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How to prevent ConCurrent Users from logging in using the same user credentials #1023

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learnabp created
  • ABP Framework version: v4.2.0
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
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I have managed to add an property to User called ConCurrentUserId of type GUID, I have also created my own cutom Signin manager.

Can you tell me:

Which method I should use and How I can add a claim How I can get the claim to check the user property ConCurrentUserID, so that I can block login?

20 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can try:

    public class MyAbpClaimsPrincipalContributor : IAbpClaimsPrincipalContributor, ITransientDependency
        public Task ContributeAsync(AbpClaimsPrincipalContributorContext context)
            var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity();
            claimsIdentity.AddIfNotContains(new Claim("ConCurrentUserId", "value"));
            return Task.CompletedTask;
    public class MyAbpClaimsService : AbpClaimsService
        public MyAbpClaimsService(IProfileService profile, ILogger<DefaultClaimsService> logger) : base(profile, logger)
        protected override IEnumerable<string> FilterRequestedClaimTypes(IEnumerable<string> claimTypes)
            return base.FilterRequestedClaimTypes(claimTypes)
                .Union(new []{
    context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IClaimsService, MyAbpClaimsService>());
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    learnabp created

    @liangshiwei can you please let me know which project I put these Class's in *.application ? . and where does do i put the following line in ... Configure Servcies?

    context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IClaimsService, MyAbpClaimsService>());

    if I am right this just adds the Custom Claim ..... I still have to modify the SignInManager to check if the value of ConCurrentUserId has changed and block login .... am i correct?

    If so which Method in the SignInManager should i use?

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can put the class these Class to .Web project.

    Add the following code to the ConfigureServices method of .WebModule

    context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IClaimsService, MyAbpClaimsService>());

    How I can get the claim to check the user property ConCurrentUserID, so that I can block login?

    If you are not logged in, you cannot get the user claim, You should query the database values.

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    learnabp created

    Having a GUID stored as i previously thought will not be a good solution. I am trying to update the security stamp as done in aspnetzero but it doesn't appear towork in

    public override async Task SignInWithClaimsAsync(Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser user, AuthenticationProperties authenticationProperties, IEnumerable<Claim> additionalClaims)
                var userPrincipal = await CreateUserPrincipalAsync(user);
                foreach (var claim in additionalClaims)
                await Context.SignInAsync(IdentityConstants.ApplicationScheme,
                    authenticationProperties ?? new AuthenticationProperties());
                await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);

    can you please let me know why the above code doesn't work, when ii test my presios sessions in other browsers are not loged out and invalidated

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer



    Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(options =>
        options.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    Okay The Validate methods are now hitting in my cutom SiginManager but i can't login as a current user seems i get a user is null

    what is the best place to call the below so that i can make all previous sessions in all browsers invalid and just let the current user login?

    if (user != null) { await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user); }

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can override the CheckPasswordSignInAsync method of SignInManager class

    public override async Task<SignInResult> CheckPasswordSignInAsync(
                IdentityUser user,
                string password,
                bool lockoutOnFailure)
        if (user == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
        var error = await PreSignInCheck(user);
        if (error != null)
            return error;
        if (await UserManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, password))
            var alwaysLockout = AppContext
                .TryGetSwitch("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.CheckPasswordSignInAlwaysResetLockoutOnSuccess", out var enabled) && enabled;
            // Only reset the lockout when not in quirks mode if either TFA is not enabled or the client is remembered for TFA.
            if (alwaysLockout || !await IsTfaEnabled(user) || await IsTwoFactorClientRememberedAsync(user))
                await ResetLockout(user);
            await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
            return SignInResult.Success;
        Logger.LogWarning(2, "User failed to provide the correct password.");
        if (UserManager.SupportsUserLockout && lockoutOnFailure)
            // If lockout is requested, increment access failed count which might lock out the user
            await UserManager.AccessFailedAsync(user);
            if (await UserManager.IsLockedOutAsync(user))
                return await LockedOut(user);
        return SignInResult.Failed;
  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    It works for me.

    public class MySignInManager : AbpSignInManager
        public MySignInManager(
            IdentityUserManager userManager,
            IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor,
            IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<IdentityUser> claimsFactory,
            IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
            ILogger<SignInManager<IdentityUser>> logger,
            IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes,
            IUserConfirmation<IdentityUser> confirmation,
            IOptions<AbpIdentityOptions> options) :
            base(userManager, contextAccessor, claimsFactory, optionsAccessor, logger, schemes, confirmation, options)
        private async Task<bool> IsTfaEnabled(IdentityUser user)
            => UserManager.SupportsUserTwoFactor &&
               await UserManager.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(user) &&
               (await UserManager.GetValidTwoFactorProvidersAsync(user)).Count > 0;
        public override async Task<SignInResult> CheckPasswordSignInAsync(
                    IdentityUser user,
                    string password,
                    bool lockoutOnFailure)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
            var error = await PreSignInCheck(user);
            if (error != null)
                return error;
            if (await UserManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, password))
                var alwaysLockout = AppContext
                    .TryGetSwitch("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.CheckPasswordSignInAlwaysResetLockoutOnSuccess", out var enabled) && enabled;
                // Only reset the lockout when not in quirks mode if either TFA is not enabled or the client is remembered for TFA.
                if (alwaysLockout || !await IsTfaEnabled(user) || await IsTwoFactorClientRememberedAsync(user))
                    await ResetLockout(user);
                await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
                return SignInResult.Success;
            Logger.LogWarning(2, "User failed to provide the correct password.");
            if (UserManager.SupportsUserLockout && lockoutOnFailure)
                // If lockout is requested, increment access failed count which might lock out the user
                await UserManager.AccessFailedAsync(user);
                if (await UserManager.IsLockedOutAsync(user))
                    return await LockedOut(user);
            return SignInResult.Failed;
    public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        PreConfigure<IdentityBuilder>(builder =>
    public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(options =>
            options.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    I have done exactly what you have done but it doesn't work i am logged out after 5 seconds

    using IdentityServer4.Events;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Security.Claims;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Volo.Abp;
    using Volo.Abp.Data;
    using Volo.Abp.Guids;
    using Volo.Abp.Identity;
    using Volo.Abp.Identity.AspNetCore;
    using Volo.Abp.Security.Claims;
    using IdentityUser = Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser;
    namespace DesertFire.Ppm.Web
        public class PpmSignInManager : AbpSignInManager
            public PpmSignInManager(
                IdentityUserManager userManager,
                IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor,
                IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<IdentityUser> claimsFactory,
                IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
                ILogger<SignInManager<IdentityUser>> logger,
                IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes,
                IUserConfirmation<IdentityUser> confirmation,
                IOptions<AbpIdentityOptions> options) :
                base(userManager, contextAccessor, claimsFactory, optionsAccessor, logger, schemes, confirmation, options)
            private async Task<bool> IsTfaEnabled(IdentityUser user)
                    => UserManager.SupportsUserTwoFactor &&
                       await UserManager.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(user) &&
                       (await UserManager.GetValidTwoFactorProvidersAsync(user)).Count > 0;
            public override async Task<SignInResult> CheckPasswordSignInAsync(IdentityUser user, string password, bool lockoutOnFailure)
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
                var error = await PreSignInCheck(user);
                if (error != null)
                    return error;
                if (await UserManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, password))
                    var alwaysLockout = AppContext.TryGetSwitch("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.CheckPasswordSignInAlwaysResetLockoutOnSuccess", out var enabled) && enabled;
                    // Only reset the lockout when TFA is not enabled when not in quirks mode
                    if (alwaysLockout || !await IsTfaEnabled(user) || await IsTwoFactorClientRememberedAsync(user))
                        await ResetLockout(user);
                    await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
                    return SignInResult.Success;
                Logger.LogWarning(2, "User {userId} failed to provide the correct password.", await UserManager.GetUserIdAsync(user));
                if (UserManager.SupportsUserLockout && lockoutOnFailure)
                    // If lockout is requested, increment access failed count which might lock out the user
                    await UserManager.AccessFailedAsync(user);
                    if (await UserManager.IsLockedOutAsync(user))
                        return await LockedOut(user);
                return SignInResult.Failed;
            public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
                context.Services.PreConfigure<AbpMvcDataAnnotationsLocalizationOptions>(options =>
                PreConfigure<IdentityBuilder>(identityBuilder =>
            public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
                var hostingEnvironment = context.Services.GetHostingEnvironment();
                var configuration = context.Services.GetConfiguration();
                ConfigureAuthentication(context, configuration);
                ConfigureCors(context, configuration);
                //context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IClaimsService, PpmAbpClaimsService>());
                Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(options =>
                    options.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Can I check it remotely?

  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    Sure how would you like to connect ?


  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I use the project you provided and it works for me.

    I have send the proejct zip file to your email, you can check it.

  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    i cant see the brach dud you publish to origin ?

  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    I can Confirm it works for the host admin, but it is not working for tenants

    Why would this be ?? I dont even get a chance to go to second browser ..... to try and log in it just logs out after 5 seconds please see below screen capture

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I find the problem, see :

    For now , you need to :

    public class MyAbpSecurityStampValidator : AbpSecurityStampValidator
        protected ITenantConfigurationProvider TenantConfigurationProvider { get; }
        protected ICurrentTenant CurrentTenant { get; }
        public MyAbpSecurityStampValidator(
            IOptions<SecurityStampValidatorOptions> options,
            SignInManager<IdentityUser> signInManager,
            ISystemClock systemClock,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
            ITenantConfigurationProvider tenantConfigurationProvider,
            ICurrentTenant currentTenant) : base(options, signInManager, systemClock, loggerFactory)
            TenantConfigurationProvider = tenantConfigurationProvider;
            CurrentTenant = currentTenant;
        public override async Task ValidateAsync(CookieValidatePrincipalContext context)
            var tenant = await TenantConfigurationProvider.GetAsync(saveResolveResult: false);
            using (CurrentTenant.Change(tenant?.Id, tenant?.Name))
                await base.ValidateAsync(context);
    context.Services.AddScoped(typeof(SecurityStampValidator<IdentityUser>), provider => provider.GetService(typeof(MyAbpSecurityStampValidator)));
    context.Services.AddScoped(typeof(ISecurityStampValidator), provider => provider.GetService(typeof(MyAbpSecurityStampValidator)));
  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    Should i put the following in ConfigureServices or PreConfigureServices in the *WebModule *.web project

    context.Services.AddScoped(typeof(SecurityStampValidator<IdentityUser>), provider => provider.GetService(typeof(MyAbpSecurityStampValidator)));
    context.Services.AddScoped(typeof(ISecurityStampValidator), provider => provider.GetService(typeof(MyAbpSecurityStampValidator)));
  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    I put it in the ConfigureServices and it is working

    thanks you for helping me ..... 1 week took me to get this working

  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    I have discoverd a side effect when implementing this in our application to deal with concurrent user.

    It seems when we updated the user via his profile or in the users table under Identity the security stamp is updated and the user is logged out.

    can you please suggest how we can over come this, if the user is updating his profile or via the user table the user shouldn't update its seucirty stamp.

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can override these methods and not update security token

  • User Avatar
    learnabp created

    In our use case the users are not allowed to change their username so i have override the UpdatAsync to be as follows

    (await UserManager.SetUserNameAsync(user, input.UserName)).CheckErrors();

    The above line is what changes the SecurityStamp which forces the user out because we are using AbpSecurityStampValidator to ensure that the same user cant be signed in concurrently using the same username.

        public override async Task&lt;IdentityUserDto&gt; UpdateAsync(Guid id, IdentityUserUpdateDto input)
            //ADDED BY VB: To check if all Roles avalible as per license have been consumed.
            if (CurrentUser.UserName != "dfo.admin")
                await CheckCurrentTenantsLicenseConsumed(id, input);
            await IdentityOptions.SetAsync();
            var user = await UserManager.GetByIdAsync(id);
            user.ConcurrencyStamp = input.ConcurrencyStamp;
            if (!string.Equals(user.UserName, input.UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (await SettingProvider.IsTrueAsync(IdentitySettingNames.User.IsUserNameUpdateEnabled))
                    (await UserManager.SetUserNameAsync(user, input.UserName)).CheckErrors();
            await UpdateUserByInput(user, input);
            (await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user)).CheckErrors();
            await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
            var userDto = ObjectMapper.Map&lt;Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, IdentityUserDto&gt;(user);
            //ADDED BY VB: To send an email to the user notifying their prifile has changed 
            var ppmUser = await GetUserByEmail(input.Email);
            await _subscriptionEmailer.SendPpmUserUpdatedEmailAsync(ppmUser, "MVC");
            return userDto;

    Thanks for you help @liangshiwei

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 15, 2025, 12:18