3 Answer(s)
Can you give more information about your project setup? .Net Core MVC/Angular, which version, tiered or not etc?
- .Net Core MVC
- Non Tired Application
I have configured 2 Clients in indetity server. i am trying to login with one client its successfully happening with asking consent page!. and in same browser i am trying to another client its again asking consent page.
for SSO login i don't want accept the claims/scopes every time in consent page
On Frontend, Administration-> IdentityServer-> Clients -> Actions -> Edit
Can you verify both of your clients has Require Consent not selected and Allow Remember Consent option is selected?
If than, can you also verify in database of your project in table IdentityServerClients, your both clients have RequireConsent value equals to 0 and AllowRememberConsent equals to 1?