Question 1:
The class tenant does not have Navigation property: public virtual Edition Edition { get; set; } So this is the limitation for the different commercial level? Thanks
but default could get edition navigation property.
Question 2: I see the sendtoken and confirm for the phone login.
But commercial do not have phone registration. Right? So we have to implement by ourself. Right?
2 Answer(s)
The class tenant does not have Navigation property: public virtual Edition Edition { get; set; } So this is the limitation for the different commercial level? Thanks but default could get edition navigation property
An aggregate root can be referenced by it's Id. Do not reference it by it's navigation property.
You can continue to find the Edition entity after finding the Tenant entity.
But commercial do not have phone registration. Right? So we have to implement by ourself. Right?
Yes, Phone number in some countries may not be unique.