miroslavs_teched created
Dear ABP,
We're having problem getting the custom CSS class (or element ID) to the rendered main menu item.
- ABP Framework version: v4.4.3
- UI type: Blazor
- Steps to reproduce the issue:" In the menu contributor (method ConfigureMainMenuAsync), while adding new application menu item, parameters elementId and/or cssClass should be used.
context.Menu.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem( MyAppMenus.Notifications, l["Menu:Notifications"], icon: "fas fa-bell", order: 6, requiredPermissionName: MyAppPermissions.Notifications.Default, url: NavigationConsts.Notifications.Default, elementId: "my-custom-menu-id", cssClass: "my-custom-menu-class"));
After the web app. loads, we can't find the specified elementId and/or cssClass (using inspector in the browser).
Best Regards, Miroslav Šturlan
1 Answer(s)
Thank you for the information 🙏🙏
I created an internal issue related to the topic because the issue only exists in the lepton theme.