I'm trying to use ABP text templates in my code by referring the TextTemplateDemo sample solution. I have followed steps in documentation and sample code, but I get below error when try to render a template from my code solution -
Please suggest?
Note sure what is causing this issue.
2020-06-05 09:49:37.476 +05:30 [ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ----------
2020-06-05 09:49:37.479 +05:30 [ERR] {
"code": null,
"message": "An internal error occurred during your request!",
"details": null,
"validationErrors": null
2020-06-05 09:49:37.480 +05:30 [ERR] The upgradeable lock is being released without being held.
System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException: The upgradeable lock is being released without being held.
at System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitUpgradeableReadLock()
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.VirtualFiles.LocalizedTemplateContentReaderFactory.CreateAsync(TemplateDefinition templateDefinition)
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.VirtualFiles.VirtualFileTemplateContentContributor.GetOrNullAsync(TemplateContentContributorContext context)
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.TemplateContentProvider.GetContentOrNullAsync(ITemplateContentContributor[] contributors, TemplateContentContributorContext context)
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.TemplateContentProvider.GetContentOrNullAsync(TemplateDefinition templateDefinition, String cultureName, Boolean tryDefaults, Boolean useCurrentCultureIfCultureNameIsNull)
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.TemplateRenderer.RenderSingleTemplateAsync(TemplateDefinition templateDefinition, Dictionary2 globalContext, Object model) at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.TemplateRenderer.RenderInternalAsync(String templateName, Dictionary
2 globalContext, Object model)
at Volo.Abp.TextTemplating.TemplateRenderer.RenderAsync(String templateName, Object model, String cultureName, Dictionary`2 globalContext)
6 Answer(s)
I can't reproduce your problem, can you provide steps to reproduce?
Thanks for the response. Is it possible for an online connect so that I can explain the issue from code?
OK, Sure.
Thanks, could you please let me know how do you want me connect with you? Are you available on teams or Google meet?
Do you have Teamviewer? You can send connection id to my email: liangshiw@outlook.com, Thanks.
Never mind. I was able to resolve it, actually below line was added to both module classes (MyProjectApplicationModule, MyProjectHttpApiHostModule) which was causing the issue -
Configure<AbpVirtualFileSystemOptions>(options => { options.FileSets.AddEmbedded<MyProjectApplicationModule>("MyProject"); });
Thanks for the prompt response and help.