I need to hide one menu for admin only so I have added a permission check after login that menu is coming but when we reload or refresh page that time it's hiding that menu. Could you please provide me solution for this.
I tried below code but no luck.
ICurrentUser currentUser = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICurrentUser>();
bool IsAdmin = currentUser.IsInRole("admin");
if (!IsAdmin)
//menu code
- ABP Framework version: v4.4.3
- UI type: Blazor
- DB provider: EF Core
- Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
- Exception message and stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:"
47 Answer(s)
.cs code
namespace Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.LeptonTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.MainHeader { public partial class RKIMainHeaderToolbarUserMenu : IDisposable { [Inject] protected IMenuManager MenuManager { get; set; }
[Inject] protected ICurrentUser CurrentUser { get; set; } [Inject] protected ICurrentTenant CurrentTenant { get; set; } [Inject] protected SignOutSessionStateManager SignOutManager { get; set; } [Inject] protected NavigationManager Navigation { get; set; } [Inject] protected AuthenticationStateProvider AuthenticationStateProvider { get; set; } [Inject] protected IStringLocalizer<AbpUiResource> UiLocalizer { get; set; } [Inject] protected IOptions<AbpRemoteServiceOptions> RemoteServiceOptions { get; set; } [Inject] protected IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; } protected ApplicationMenu UserMenu { get; set; } protected Guid? UserId { get; set; } protected string UserName { get; set; } protected string TenantName { get; set; } protected string ProfileImageUrl { get; set; } protected string UserFullName { get; set; } protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await SetUserMenuAndProfileAsync(); Navigation.LocationChanged += OnLocationChanged; AuthenticationStateProvider.AuthenticationStateChanged += AuthenticationStateProviderOnAuthenticationStateChanged; } private async Task SetUserMenuAndProfileAsync() { UserMenu = await MenuManager.GetAsync(StandardMenus.User); UserId = CurrentUser.Id; UserName = CurrentUser.UserName; UserFullName = CalculateUserFullName(); TenantName = CurrentTenant.Name; if (UserId != null) { ProfileImageUrl = RemoteServiceOptions.Value.RemoteServices.GetConfigurationOrDefaultOrNull("AbpAccountPublic")?.BaseUrl.TrimEnd('/') + $"/api/account/profile-picture-file/{UserId}"; } } protected virtual void OnLocationChanged(object sender, LocationChangedEventArgs e) { InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); } private async void AuthenticationStateProviderOnAuthenticationStateChanged(Task<AuthenticationState> task) { await SetUserMenuAndProfileAsync(); await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); } protected virtual async Task BeginSignOut() { await SignOutManager.SetSignOutState(); await NavigateToAsync("authentication/logout"); } protected virtual async Task NavigateToAsync(string uri, string target = null) { if (target == "_blank") { await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("open", uri, target); } else { Navigation.NavigateTo(uri); } } protected virtual string CalculateUserFullName() { //TODO: Should we move this logic to some extension method for the ICurrentUser? var fullName = new StringBuilder(); if (!CurrentUser.Name.IsNullOrEmpty()) { fullName.Append(CurrentUser.Name); } if (!CurrentUser.SurName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (fullName.Length > 0) { fullName.Append(" "); } fullName.Append(CurrentUser.SurName); } if (fullName.Length == 0) { fullName.Append(CurrentUser.UserName); } return fullName.ToString(); } public void Dispose() { Navigation.LocationChanged -= OnLocationChanged; AuthenticationStateProvider.AuthenticationStateChanged -= AuthenticationStateProviderOnAuthenticationStateChanged; } }
I can't see any subclass of
I can't see any subclass of
pls share subclass
You need to create a subclass of these two classes, change some code and replace the built-in services in the dependency injection container.
[ExposeServices(typeof(MainSiderbar))] [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] MyMainSiderbar : MainSiderbar
MyMainSiderbar : MainSiderbar
I shared my code in email so please check.
You need to create a subclass of these two classes, change some code and replace the built-in services in the dependency injection container.
[ExposeServices(typeof(MainSiderbar))] [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] MyMainSiderbar : MainSiderbar
are u there?
There seems to be no problem, can you test it in the project?
There seems to be no problem, can you test it in the project?
no, it's not working. I am requesting can we connect on zoom because it's taking too much time to check and post and ask for solutions here again and again. Today is my deadline for this project that's why I am bothering you, again and again, hope you can understand this.
There seems to be no problem, can you test it in the project?
can we check together?
@safi we can't solve your problem by iterating every step. send us your project to support@abp.io
@safi we can't solve your problem by iterating every step. send us your project to support@abp.io
Hi Albert
I can't share project due to security that's why I am asking to connect on zoom and check this.
Just inherit the base class and override some methods and replace the built-in services.
What is the problem or bug now?
Does your .HttpApi.Host and .IdentityServer projects are running? It seems it couldn't get a response from localhost:44358 and localhost:63079
Does your .HttpApi.Host and .IdentityServer projects are running? It seems it couldn't get a response from localhost:44358 and localhost:63079
can u share mail id or can we connect on zoom?
Sure, you can send your project to engin.veske@volosoft.com.
Sure, you can send your project to engin.veske@volosoft.com.
I can't share project but I shared code and error in mail so can you pls check.
Sure, you can send your project to engin.veske@volosoft.com.
are u checking?
Sure, you can send your project to engin.veske@volosoft.com.
are u checking?
I've checked and write you an email back, can you check and apply it?
Sure, you can send your project to engin.veske@volosoft.com.
are u checking?
I've checked and write you an email back, can you check and apply it?
yes it's working now thanks much :)
It's nice to hear that :)