we need to change the schema color and other staff on Login Page provided from Identity Server.
How can do that?
3 Answer(s)
Hi, you can override any page provided by ABP modules easily. You can simply override any page/class by creating the same file under the same path.
You can read the ASP.NET Core (MVC / Razor Pages) User Interface Customization Guide to learn more.
Also, there is a complete example to show how you can override the Login Page. You can check it here.
thanks for your suggestion but it cover only the login form. I need to customize backgroud, logo and other staff
If you want to customize CSS, please see Customize Lepton Theme with Custom CSS.
For the overriding logo, please see ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages: Branding.
To customize entity action extensions, see https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/AspNetCore/Entity-Action-Extensions
For toolbar extensions, see https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/AspNetCore/Page-Toolbar-Extensions
Also, there are some community articles to show how you can replace the current template with a new one. There might be helpful for you.