How can I replace the standard Commercial UI grids and controls with DevExtreme ASP.Net Core Pivot Grid & controls for one project and SyncFusion ASP.Core Pivot grid and controls for another project?
Please provide the best practice integration methods for the ASP.Net Core MVC UI.
Thank you, Don
13 Answer(s)
hi Don,
is this the grid you are trying to add?
hi don,
we can make a sample project with DevExpress Grid (I guess pivot table is similar)
Please use the DevExtreme ASP.Net Core Grid recommended method.
Thank you, Don
ok @don 👍
Hi Alper, Can you provide a sample with the DevExtreme Angular components.Thanks.
we started writing an article and a sample project to show you how to use DevExtreme components. Firstly, we'll make jQuery versions then Angular version
We've finished the sample project and article that shared on ABP Community.
Here the article: Using DevExtreme Components With the ABP Framework
Thanks - will the angular version be available soon ? (Devextreme angular => 20.1.7)
Especially a datagrid sample with both client and server side rendering
We will be planning it. I suppose the Angular UI should be more straightforward.
@alper @cotur Thanks for the great article "Using DevExtreme Components With the ABP Framework". The article is about using DevExtreme with ABP main application. I wonder if I can use DevExtreme components in a ABP module. Is there any special thing I need to do comparing to use it in a ABP main application? Thanks!
Actualla a module is not different than the application itself. The main difference is UI files and dependant client packages. The UI files (JS, CSS and others) must be embedded resources to be able to use it in the main application. Add the 3rd party library references to your module and use it. if you fall into any issue write back us.
@alper Thanks, alper! I am able to make it work follow the instruction article.