How can I change the Database Provider to PostgreSql in Volo Docs ? Changing only the connection string to equivalent postgresql connection string isn't working. Please guide for the same if any other steps are needed to be performed.
3 Answer(s)
Hi, please see the Switch to EF Core PostgreSQL Provider documentation.
Hi, please see the Switch to EF Core PostgreSQL Provider documentation. I went through the documentation you suggested but it requires Entity Framework Core .cs file which I won't be having in template downloaded to setup from
I went through the documentation you suggested but it requires Entity Framework Core .cs file which I won't be having in template downloaded to setup from
VoloDocs is a self-contained application, which only can be run without modification of code (you can think it as a sample application. So, if you want to use the Docs Module of ABP Framework and change the database provider as PostgreSQL, you need to create a template with PostgreSQL as database provider and then add the Docs Module to your application:
1-) Creating a template with PostgreSQL as database provider :
abp new Acme.BookStore --database-management-system PostgreSQL
2-) Add Docs Module into your application:
abp add-module Volo.Docs
Then, you can use the Docs Module with PostgreSQL. But as i said, it's not possible with self-contained VoloDocs application.