Currently using ABP Framework version v7.0.1 on IIS with UI type Blazor and DB provider EF Core. My goal is to set up a default tenant instead of starting with the host. However, I'm unable to locate the login page on the template, which would make it easier for me to make this change. Additionally, I have specific changes that need to be made to the login page, and being able to edit it directly would simplify the process. Can you provide me with access to the login page or guide me on how to locate it on the template?
3 Answer(s)
You can override the
public class LoginModel : AccountPageModel account/src/Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Web/Pages/Account/Login.cshtml.cs
If you use OpenIddict
[ExposeServices(typeof(LoginModel))] public class OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel : LoginModel abp/account/src/Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Web.OpenIddict/Pages/Account/OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel.cs
Could you provide further details? I'm utilizing OpenIddict. Is there a specific location where I can access the source code for easier customization?
You can download the account pro source code.
abp get-source Volo.Account.Pro