- ABP Framework version: v7.2
- UI type: Angular
- DB provider: EF Core
I'm trying to create an entity with a DateOnly field type, but when creating a migration I'm getting the following message:
The 'DateOnly?' property 'AccountingDeposit.BankPostingDate' could not be mapped to the database type 'date' because the database provider does not support mapping 'DateOnly?' properties to 'date' columns. Consider mapping to a different database type or converting the property value to a type supported by the database using a value converter. See https://aka.ms/efcore-docs-value-converters for more information. Alternately, exclude the property from the model using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'.
I'm using a value converter as suggested.
protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder builder)
Please advice on how to proceed.
1 Answer(s)
Hi there,
what DBMS do you use? (MySql, Mssql, PostgreSQL)
Nevertheless you should not need to provide that convenstion override and specify the DateOnlyConverter for DateOnly Props.
I created a fresh application (ABP Framework Version 7.2.2) using MySql as DBMS and added a TestEntity with nullable DateOnly Property:
public class NullableDateOnlyTestEntity : AggregateRoot<Guid> { public DateOnly? ValidFrom { get; set; } }
After adding the DbSet for this entity, the migration could be created without specifing the value converter. Here is the resulting Migration:
As you can see the db column type would be date.
So please try to create the migration again without specifying the exact value converter.
Greetings Nico