I´m trying to figure out how to use the CancellationTokenProvider insted of adding CancellationToken to all my ApplicationService methods and then passing CancellationToken to them in my UI.
I might be misunderstanding how this is supposed to work but the documentation on this is serverly lacking
When navigating from the page should cancel the reqest and make IsCancellationRequested == true or do I have to do something in the UI?
Here is my code where I added a Task.Delay to the repository method to be able to then quickly navigate from that page.
Could this be related to Blazor Server? IF it doesn´t work with BS then it would be great to add that to the documentation.
UPDATE: I was also unsuccesfull passing token manually into the methods (something I was hoping I didn´t need to do)
@inject INavigationInterception NavigationInterception
private CancellationTokenSource _cts = new();
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await NavigationInterception.EnableNavigationInterceptionAsync();
NavigationManager.LocationChanged += HandleLocationChanged;
private async Task OpenEditBookModalAsync(BookDto input)
var book = await BooksAppService.GetAsync(input.Id, _cts.Token); // Pass CancellationToken
EditingBookId = book.Id;
EditingBook = ObjectMapper.Map<BookDto, BookUpdateDto>(book);
await EditingBookValidations.ClearAll();
await EditBookModal.Show();
private void HandleLocationChanged(object sender, LocationChangedEventArgs e)
_cts.Cancel(); // Cancel the current operations
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
NavigationManager.LocationChanged -= HandleLocationChanged;
public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<BookDto>> GetListAsync(GetBooksInput input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var totalCount = await _bookRepository.GetCountAsync(input.FilterText, input.Name, input.Email, cancellationToken);
var items = await _bookRepository.GetListAsync(input.FilterText,
return new PagedResultDto<BookDto>
TotalCount = totalCount,
Items = ObjectMapper.Map<List<Book>, List<BookDto>>(items)
public abstract class EfCoreBookRepositoryBase : EfCoreRepository<CasaDbContext, Book, Guid>
public EfCoreBookRepositoryBase(IDbContextProvider<CasaDbContext> dbContextProvider)
: base(dbContextProvider)
public virtual async Task<List<Book>> GetListAsync(
string? filterText = null,
string? name = null,
string? email = null,
string? sorting = null,
int maxResultCount = int.MaxValue,
int skipCount = 0,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var query = ApplyFilter((await GetQueryableAsync()), filterText, name, email);
query = query.OrderBy(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sorting) ? BookConsts.GetDefaultSorting(false) : sorting);
return await query.PageBy(skipCount, maxResultCount).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
How should this work? 🤷♂️🤨
- ABP Framework version: 8.0.5
- UI Type: Blazor Server
- Database System: EF Core
1 Answer(s)
of blazor server comes fromHttpContext.RequestAborted
.But it won't work, because we'll use signalR to communication.
ASP NET Core does not support
in blazor server eitherhttps://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/11542