onder created
- ABP Framework version: v8.2.1
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (PostgreSQL)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
- Exception message and full stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
I was trying to add Currencies table(Id-guid, Name-string) by using abp suite Before generation, I applied service proxy generation by executing "abp generate-proxy -t ng" After I generate, I see that the migration is successfull on page, I checked the back-end project and database side it corrects, but in angular side, there is no changes When I looked for suite logs, I realised the error part(Unexpected token 'for'), I couldn't analyzed it, I've shared below
6 Answer(s)
I guess this is may related to your Entity field name, could you share your Entity definition
FileName is Currency.json
{ "Id": "9556cd56-a4f3-4874-b13d-56024dec9f39", "Name": "Currency", "OriginalName": "Currency", "NamePlural": "Currencies", "DatabaseTableName": "Currencies", "Namespace": "Currencies", "Type": 1, "MasterEntityName": null, "MasterEntity": null, "BaseClass": "FullAuditedAggregateRoot", "PageTitle": "Currencies", "MenuIcon": "file-alt", "PrimaryKeyType": "Guid", "PreserveCustomCode": false, "IsMultiTenant": false, "CheckConcurrency": true, "BulkDeleteEnabled": true, "ShouldCreateUserInterface": true, "ShouldCreateBackend": true, "ShouldExportExcel": true, "ShouldAddMigration": true, "ShouldUpdateDatabase": true, "CreateTests": false, "Properties": [ { "Id": "ea05d629-e5c0-439e-889d-ceaeb6cd172c", "Name": "Name", "Type": "string", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsFilterable": true, "AllowEmptyStrings": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "ShowOnList": true, "ShowOnCreateModal": true, "ShowOnEditModal": true, "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "1b7e8259-bb53-40e4-ae98-4ba3c25f4114", "Name": "Code", "Type": "string", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsFilterable": true, "AllowEmptyStrings": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": null, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "ShowOnList": true, "ShowOnCreateModal": true, "ShowOnEditModal": true, "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 }, { "Id": "b349093d-2bf9-4036-a6c4-7a10a39834ca", "Name": "Symbol", "Type": "string", "EnumType": "", "EnumNamespace": "", "EnumAngularImport": "shared/enums", "EnumFilePath": null, "DefaultValue": null, "IsNullable": false, "IsRequired": false, "IsFilterable": true, "AllowEmptyStrings": false, "IsTextArea": false, "MinLength": null, "MaxLength": 10, "SortOrder": 0, "SortType": 0, "Regex": "", "EmailValidation": false, "ShowOnList": true, "ShowOnCreateModal": true, "ShowOnEditModal": true, "ReadonlyOnEditModal": false, "EnumValues": null, "IsSelected": true, "OrdinalIndex": 0 } ], "NavigationProperties": [], "NavigationConnections": [], "ChildEntities": [], "PhysicalFileName": "Currency.json" }
I can reproduce the problem, we will check it and get back to you