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Problems with translating ABP (confusing instructions, does not seem to work etc.) #8415

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improwise created

There seem to be problems/confusion regarding how to translate ABP so I create a ticket here as well, also because there might be differences between ABP Free and Commercial. Also considering that you may or may not have access to the source code needed for things outside of the ABP open source framework.

Please provide updated instructions on how we can translate ABP Commercial to Swedish (or any other language for that matter) in a way that works properly with latest ABP version. We don't mind doing a lot of the required leg work and sharing the result as long as we get clear instructions/documentation on how to do it.


9 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Please send an email to

    I will share the abp-translation.json file.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    This issue is still not completed (although currently on hold on our side).

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can share the abp-translation.json when you add new translated texts.


    The bot will close the question regularly. You can reopen it at any time.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created


    You can share the abp-translation.json when you add new translated texts.


    The bot will close the question regularly. You can reopen it at any time.


    Have sent you the translated file now with some additional questions.

    With this being a commercial product and there are now things like DeepL available at a low cost, I think that ABP should take over the responsibility of providing translations for the mostly used/requested languages. This especially as the translation process is quite complicated due to not all source code being public (or available to all ABP Commercial customers) and the process itself has lots of potential pitfalls. Also, as I understand it, there is no way for us to test a translated JSON ourselves as that would most likely require access to all the source code to be able to "apply" it. Depending on which of the instructions you read on how to translate, there already seem to be built in support for DeepL in the ABP translation process, so it should be quite easy for ABP Team to do the translation even though you probably do not speak the language yourselves.

    We used DeepL ourselves to do the translation, and then just checked the result afterwards as much as we could and made some small changes. While not perfect, I think it is probably good enough.


  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    The new translation texts, will be available in next 9.0 patch version:

    Thank you for your text!

  • User Avatar
    improwise created


    I noticed the term "Dashboard" seem to be missing in the JSON (even in English), not an obvious translation for that in Swedish though (besides a direct translation that sounds really funny) so probably better to keep as it is.

    If not already modified, there needs to be added Swedish to AbpLocalizationOptions also

    options.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("sv", "sv", "Svenska"));

    There is also the sv.json file for Domain.Shared/Localization which I will provide in a follow up message. Not sure how that works 100% since there is supposed to be the chosen appname for where we have put "MY_APP_NAME", that is probably automatic I would guess.

    This entry seems incorrect in English also BTW, should probably be "provided a" rather than "provide" and the translation "Du har redan svarat" but there are probably quite a few of these if you start to nitpick, guess the most important is that the main UI is as correct as possible.

                    "LocalizationKey": "Forms:0001",
                    "Reference": "You already provide response.",
                    "Target": "Du ger redan svar."
  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    sv.json file for Domain.Shared/Localization/AppName

      "Culture": "sv",
      "Texts": {
        "AppName": "MY_APP_NAME",
        "Menu:ContactUs": "Kontakta oss",
        "Menu:ArticleSample": "Artikelexempel",
        "Home": "Hem",
        "Date": "Datum",
        "Permission:Dashboard": "Dashboard",
        "Menu:Dashboard": "Dashboard",
        "Menu:HomePage": "Hemsida",
        "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
        "ExternalProvider:Google": "Google",
        "ExternalProvider:Google:ClientId": "Klient-ID",
        "ExternalProvider:Google:ClientSecret": "Klienthemlighet",
        "ExternalProvider:Microsoft": "Microsoft",
        "ExternalProvider:Microsoft:ClientId": "Klient-ID",
        "ExternalProvider:Microsoft:ClientSecret": "Klienthemlighet",
        "ExternalProvider:Twitter": "Twitter (X)",
        "ExternalProvider:Twitter:ConsumerKey": "Konsumentnyckel",
        "ExternalProvider:Twitter:ConsumerSecret": "Konsumenthemlighet",
        "NewsletterHeader": "Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!",
        "NewsletterInfo": "Få information om de senaste händelserna.",
        "NewsletterPreference_Default": "Standardnyhetsbrev",
        "NewsletterPrivacyAcceptMessage": "Jag accepterar <a href='/privacy-policy'>Sekretesspolicy</a>.",
        "Language": "Språk",
        "Search": "Söka",
        "LoadMore": "Ladda mer",
        "Settings": "Inställningar",
        "Theme": "Tema",
        "DeviceTheme": "Enhetstema",
        "Dark": "Mörk",
        "Light": "Ljus",
        "Unspecified": "System",
        "SeeAllUsers": "Se Alla användare",
        "TakePhoto": "Ta foto",
        "ChoosePhoto": "Välj Foto",
        "Menu:Home": "Hem",
        "LongWelcomeMessage": "Välkommen till ansökan. ",
        "Welcome": "Välkomna"
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Thanks, I will update the template project. 👍

  • User Avatar
    improwise created


    Thanks, I will update the template project. 👍


    When can we expect this to be available in an ABP release?

    Is there a way we can apply the translations we made even before that to our local installation? Would imagine it might require access to the entire source code to do it (ie abp translate -a )?

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 10, 2024, 06:38