Is there an existing module or straight forward way to allow all of the built in email settings to be editable in the settings adminstration UI? Or do we need to build this ourselves? I was surprised that it isnt included in the default created application. Thanks.
5 Answer(s)
abp has a module for managing email settings, but not public yet. I will reply to you after confirmation.
Hi @liangshiwei Has the Email setting module released? Where can I enable it? I need to allow all of the built in email settings to be editable in the settings adminstration UI, instead of adding sensitive information to appsetting.json. I think that the email password need to encrypt after input on UI to store to abpSettings table.
One more question, I refered to in order to create a class derived from the SettingDefinitionProvider in order to define its settings. But it seems not change any things on Setting screen. Could you guide how to add other settings to display on Setting screen? Thanks.
What UI are you using?
@liangshiwei: My project is Angular 9 + Identity server separated with abp version 2.9.0
Hi, Angular email settings page is currently unavailable. I create an internal issue for this.