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Getting Started

This tutorial assumes that you've already purchased an ABP Commercial license and have an active ABP Commercial account.

Setup your development environment

First things first! Let's setup your development environment before creating the first project.


The following tools should be installed on your development machine:

You can use another editor instead of Visual Studio as long as it supports .NET Core and ASP.NET Core.

Install the ABP CLI

ABP CLI is a command line interface that is used to authenticate and automate some tasks for ABP based applications.

ABP CLI is a free & open source tool for the ABP framework. It is also used for ABP Commercial application development.

First, you need to install the ABP CLI using the following command:

dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli

If you've already installed, you can update it using the following command:

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli

Login to your account

In order to use ABP Commercial features, you need to login your account using the ABP CLI:

abp login <username>

It will ask a password, so you enter the password of your account.

You can freely create a new account from the ABP Account web site. However, your account should be registered to an organization as a developer to be able to use the ABP Commercial. If your company has an ABP Commercial license, ask your manager to add your account to the developer list of the organization.

Install the ABP Suite

ABP Suite is an application aims to assist you on your development.

First, you need to install the ABP Suite:

abp suite install

If you've already installed, you can update it:

abp suite update

Create a new project

This document assumes that you prefer to use Angular as the UI framework and MongoDB as the database provider. For other options, please change the preference on top of this document.

There are two ways of creating a new project: ABP Suite and ABP CLI.

Using the ABP Suite to create a new project

Run the ABP Suite with the following command:

abp suite

This command starts the ABP Suite and opens in your default browser:


Click to the Create solution button and fill the modal form:


Select the UI framework, Database provider and other option based on your requirements then click to the OK button.

You can use different level of namespaces; e.g. BookStore, Acme.BookStore or Acme.Retail.BookStore.

Using the ABP CLI to create a new project

Use the new command of the ABP CLI to create a new project:

abp new Acme.BookStore -t app-pro -u angular  -d mongodb--separate-identity-server
  • -t argument specifies the startup template name. app-pro is the startup template that contains the essential ABP Commercial Modules pre-installed and configured for you.

  • -u argument specifies the UI framework, angular in this case.

  • --separate-identity-server argument is used to separate the identity server application from the API host application. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint.

  • -d argument specifies the database provider, mongodb in this case.

You can use different level of namespaces; e.g. BookStore, Acme.BookStore or Acme.Retail.BookStore.

ABP CLI commands & options

ABP CLI document covers all of the available commands and options for the ABP CLI. The main difference for the ABP Commercial is the template names. See the ABP Commercial Startup Templates document for other commercial templates.

The solution structure

There are three folders in the created solution:

  • angular folder contains the Angular UI application.
  • aspnet-core folder contains the backend solution.
  • react-native folder contains the React Native UI application.

Open the .sln (Visual Studio solution) file under the aspnet-core folder:


About the projects in your solution

Your solution may have slightly different structure based on your UI, database and other preferences.

The solution has a layered structure (based on Domain Driven Design) and also contains unit & integration test projects.

Integration tests projects are properly configured to work with in-memory MongoDB database created per test (used Mongo2Go library).

See the solution structure document to understand the solution structure in details.

Create the database

Database connection string

Check the connection string in the appsettings.json file under the .HttpApi.Host project:

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "Default": "mongodb://localhost:27017/BookStore"

The solution is configured to use MongoDB in your local computer, so you need to have a MongoDB server instance up and running or change the connection string to another MongoDB server.

Seed initial data

The solution comes with a .DbMigrator console application which seeds the initial data. It is useful on development as well as on production environment.

.DbMigrator project has its own appsettings.json. So, if you have changed the connection string above, you should also change this one.

Right click to the .DbMigrator project and select Set as StartUp Project


Hit F5 (or Ctrl+F5) to run the application. It will have an output like shown below:


Initial seed data creates the admin user in the database which is then used to login to the application. So, you need to use .DbMigrator at least once for a new database.

Run the application

Running the HTTP API Host (server-side)

Ensure that the .IdentityServer project is the startup project. Run the application which will open a login page in your browser.

Use Ctrl+F5 in Visual Studio (instead of F5) to run the application without debugging. If you don't have a debug purpose, this will be faster.

You can login, but you cannot enter to the main application here. This is just the authentication server.

Ensure that the .HttpApi.Host project is the startup project and run the application which will open a Swagger UI:


You can see the application APIs and test them here. Get more info about the Swagger UI.

Authorization for the Swagger UI

Most of the HTTP APIs require authentication & authorization. If you want to test authorized APIs, manually go to the /Account/Login page, enter admin as the username and 1q2w3E* as the password to login to the application. Then you will be able to execute authorized APIs too.

Running the Angular application (client-side)

Go to the angular folder, open a command line terminal, type the yarn command (we suggest to the yarn package manager while npm install will also work in most cases)


Once all node modules are loaded, execute yarn start (or npm start) command:

yarn start

Wait Angular CLI to launch Webpack dev-server with BrowserSync. This will take care of compiling your TypeScript code, and automatically reloading your browser. After it finishes, Angular Live Development Server will be listening on localhost:4200, open your web browser and navigate to localhost:4200


Enter admin as the username and 1q2w3E* as the password to login to the application:


The application is up and running. You can start developing your application based on this startup template.

Mobile Development

ABP Commercial platform provide React Native template to develop mobile applications.

The solution includes the React Native application in the react-native folder as default. If you don't plan to develop a mobile application with React Native, you can ignore this step and delete the react-native folder.

The React Native application running on an Android emulator or a physical phone cannot connect to the backend on localhost. To fix this problem, it is necessary to run backend on the local IP.

React Native tiered project local IP entry

  • Open the appsettings.json in the .IdentityServer folder. Replace the localhost address on the SelfUrl property with your local IP address.
  • Open the launchSettings.json in the .IdentityServer/Properties folder. Replace the localhost address on the applicationUrl properties with your local IP address.
  • Open the appsettings.json in the .HttpApi.Host folder. Replace the localhost address on the Authority property with your local IP address.
  • Open the launchSettings.json in the .HttpApi.Host/Properties folder. Replace the localhost address on the applicationUrl properties with your local IP address.

Run the backend as described in the Running the HTTP API Host (server-side) section.

React Native application does not trust the auto-generated .NET HTTPS certificate, you should use the HTTP during development.

Go to the react-native folder, open a command line terminal, type the yarn command (we suggest to the yarn package manager while npm install will also work in most cases):

  • Open the Environment.js in the react-native folder and replace the localhost address on the apiUrl and issuer properties with your local IP address as shown below:

react native environment local IP

Make sure that issuer matches the running address of the .IdentityServer project, apiUrl matches the running address of the .HttpApi.Host project.

Once all node modules are loaded, execute yarn start (or npm start) command:

yarn start

Wait Expo CLI to start. Expo CLI opens the management interface on the http://localhost:19002/ address.


In the above management interface, you can start the application with an Android emulator, an iOS simulator or a physical phone by the scan the QR code with the Expo Client.

See the Android Studio Emulator, iOS Simulator documents on expo.io.

React Native login screen on iPhone 11

Enter admin as the username and 1q2w3E* as the password to login to the application:

React Native dashboard screen on iPhone 11

The application is up and running. You can continue to develop your application based on this startup template.

The application startup template includes the SaaS, Identity, Identity Server, Language Management and Audit Logging modules.

What's next?

Application development tutorial

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