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Getting Started

This tutorial assumes that you've already purchased an ABP Commercial license and have an active ABP Commercial account.

This document assumes that you prefer to use MAUI / Blazor Hybrid as the UI framework and Entity Framework Core as the database provider. For other options, please change the preference on top of this document.

Create the Database

Connection String

Check the connection string in the appsettings.json file under the .HttpApi.Host project.

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "Default": "Server=localhost;Database=BookStore;Trusted_Connection=True"

About the Connection Strings and Database Management Systems

The solution is configured to use Entity Framework Core with MS SQL Server by default. However, if you've selected another DBMS using the -dbms parameter on the ABP CLI new command (like -dbms MySQL), the connection string might be different for you.

EF Core supports various database providers and you can use any supported DBMS. See the Entity Framework integration document to learn how to switch to another DBMS if you need later.

Database Migrations

The solution uses the Entity Framework Core Code First Migrations. It comes with a .DbMigrator console application which applies the migrations and also seeds the initial data. It is useful on development as well as on production environment.

.DbMigrator project has its own appsettings.json. So, if you have changed the connection string above, you should also change this one.

The Initial Migration

.DbMigrator application automatically creates the Initial migration on first run.

If you are using Visual Studio, you can skip to the Running the DbMigrator section. However, other IDEs (e.g. Rider) may have problems for the first run since it adds the initial migration and compiles the project. In this case, open a command line terminal in the folder of the .DbMigrator project and run the following command:

dotnet run

For the next time, you can just run it in your IDE as you normally do.

Running the DbMigrator

Right click to the .DbMigrator project and select Set as StartUp Project


Hit F5 (or Ctrl+F5) to run the application. It will have an output like shown below:


Initial seed data creates the admin user in the database (with the password is 1q2w3E*) which is then used to login to the application. So, you need to use .DbMigrator at least once for a new database.

Run the application

Running the HTTP API Host (Server Side)

Ensure that the .HttpApi.Host project is the startup project and run the application which will open a Swagger UI:

Use Ctrl+F5 in Visual Studio (instead of F5) to run the application without debugging. If you don't have a debug purpose, this will be faster.


You can see the application APIs and test them here. Get more info about the Swagger UI.

Authorization for the Swagger UI

Most of the HTTP APIs require authentication & authorization. If you want to test authorized APIs, manually go to the /Account/Login page, enter admin as the username and 1q2w3E* as the password to login to the application. Then you will be able to execute authorized APIs too.

Running the MAUI Blazor Application (Client Side)

Ensure that the .MauiBlazor project is the startup project.

Use Ctrl+F5 in Visual Studio (instead of F5) to run the application without debugging. If you don't have a debug purpose, this will be faster.

MAUI supports multiple platforms:


Ensure that the target is Windows Machine and run the application.


Ensure that the target is Android Emulators.

Android emulator is isolated from your development machine network interfaces, you need to configure the network:


Open a command line terminal and run the adb reverse command to expose a port on your Android device to a port on your computer. For example:

adb reverse tcp:44305 tcp:44305

You should replace "44305" with the real port. You should run the command after starting the emulator. You will find that the user avatar cannot be loaded, this is due to the use of insecure https, you can use Ngrok.


You can use the ngrok to reverse proxy your localhost servies. For example:

ngrok http 44305

  • You should replace "44305" with the real port.
  • You should replace Authority with the Ngrok URL.


Ensure that the target is IOS Emulators.

The iOS simulator uses the host machine network. Therefore, applications running in the simulator can connect to web services running on your local machine via the machines IP address or via the localhost hostname. For example, given a local secure web service that exposes a GET operation via the /api/todoitems/ relative URI, an application running on the iOS simulator can consume the operation by sending a GET request to https://localhost:/api/todoitems/.

If the simulator is used from Windows with a remote connection, follow the Microsoft's documentation to setup a proper configuration.

Remote iOS Simulator for Windows

If you are run the MAUI on Mac agent, the remote iOS Simulator can't access backend application running on Windows, you need to run the backend application on Mac or make the backend application on the internal.

Secure Storage

The MAUI Blazor application uses Preferences to store access token by default, safe practice is to use Secure Storage, it requires some extra steps for different platforms.

You can check the Secure Storage documentation

Got could not find any available provisioning profiles for on ios error!

You need some extra steps, please check the Microsoft's documentation

After you run the project, you can click the login button to the login UI.


Enter admin as the username and 1q2w3E* as the password to login to the application.


The application is up and running. You can start developing your application based on this startup template.


Web Application development tutorial

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