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ContextStrategy is an abstract class exposed by @abp/ng.core package. There are three context strategies extending it: ComponentContextStrategy, TemplateContextStrategy, and NoContextStrategy. Implementing the same methods and properties, all of these strategies help you define how projected content will get their context.


ComponentContextStrategy is a class that extends ContextStrategy. It lets you pass context to a projected component.


constructor(public context: Partial<InferredInstanceOf<T>>) {}
  • T refers to component type here, i.e. Type<C>.
  • InferredInstanceOf is a utility type exposed by @abp/ng.core package. It infers component shape.
  • context will be mapped to properties of the projected component.


setContext(componentRef: ComponentRef<InferredInstanceOf<T>>): Partial<InferredInstanceOf<T>>

This method maps each prop of the context to the component property with the same name and calls change detection. It returns the context after mapping.


TemplateContextStrategy is a class that extends ContextStrategy. It lets you pass context to a projected template.


constructor(public context: Partial<InferredContextOf<T>>) {}
  • T refers to template context type here, i.e. TemplateRef<C>.
  • InferredContextOf is a utility type exposed by @abp/ng.core package. It infers context shape.
  • context will be mapped to properties of the projected template.


setContext(): Partial<InferredContextOf<T>>

This method does nothing and only returns the context, because template context is not mapped but passed in as parameter to createEmbeddedView method.


NoContextStrategy is a class that extends ContextStrategy. It lets you skip passing any context to projected content.



Unlike other context strategies, NoContextStrategy contructor takes no parameters.


setContext(): undefined

Since there is no context, this method gets no parameters and will return undefined.

Predefined Context Strategies

Predefined context strategies are accessible via CONTEXT_STRATEGY constant.



This strategy will not pass any context to the projected content.


CONTEXT_STRATEGY.Component(context: Partial<InferredContextOf<T>>)

This strategy will help you pass the given context to the projected component.


CONTEXT_STRATEGY.Template(context: Partial<InferredContextOf<T>>)

This strategy will help you pass the given context to the projected template.

See Also


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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