Hello smansuri Please check below link for Captcha site key https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/489/How-to-enable-reCaptcha-in-ABP
I have added site key and whenever I am trying to fetch that with this.config.getSetting("Abp.Account.Captcha.SiteKey")
I am getting this key only on logout screen as well
Hello smansuri,
please have look to this https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4652/The-attribute-setState-does-not-exist-on-the-type-ConfigStateService
please try this code
import { ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions, } from '@abp/ng.core';
const param: ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions = {
includeLocalizationResources: false // ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions is having only this flag which we can set true or false
}; // this is parameter which we are passing in get method
this.abpApplicationConfigurationService.get(param).subscribe(config => {
please do let me know if find helpful for you or anything else needed
Thank you, Anjali
Hello hussein,
I have tried to reproduce the issue as mentioned by you, but for version 7.4.0-rc.3 after publishing to IIS I am able to see the modal page for editing user or role permissions or personal data (all related to identity) and also new Details tab
Actually the link shared by you for downloading sample source code having solutions with 7.0.0 version.
Instead of that I have used these commands
dotnet tool update --global Volo.Abp.Cli --version 7.4.0-rc.2
abp new Acme.BookStore --preview
Please try this and do let me know if this find helpful for you
Thank you, Anjali
Hello aqudah81,
have you checked this https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5513/Project-Not-Working-After-Updating-ABP-Version https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5705/How-to-upgrade-modules-with-replaced-source-code
Also have look to these migration links 6.0 to 7.0 7.1 to 7.2 7.3 please do let me know if this helps you or anything else needed
Thank you, Anjali
Can you try requesting projecta scrope from projectb blazor app?
Hello icoretchi,
Please try with this code
<a class="align-items-baseline btn d-flex justify-content-end" role="button" href="authentication/login"> <i class="fa fa-sign-in me-1"></i> @L["Login"] </a>
please do let me know if this helps you
Thank you, Anjali