Hello ,
Please check your yarn version it should be 1.22.22 and node version should be 20.17.0 Please try to update and check again.
Thank you.
Hello ,
Can you try it once? Downgrading Angular to a compatible version (e.g., Angular 15.2) that coincides with the ABP package's version requirements is necessary as some packages (e.g., 7.4.5) may not operate with Angular version 18. To downgrade, use the following command: ng update @angular/core@15 @angular/cli@15
Following that, you can run the yarn
command, and once completed, you can run the yarn start
command again.
Thank you.
Sorry for that please share package.json
Hello ,
Can you please share package.json
Thank you.
Hello ,
It is not possible directly customizing the ABP Suite Entity Info Page. ABP Suite allows customization of generated code through templates. (https://abp.io/docs/latest/suite/editing-templates) ABP Suite Generating a CRUD page: https://abp.io/docs/commercial/latest/abp-suite/generating-crud-page (This explains the "Entity Info" section)
Thank you.
Hi ,
we are working on it. probably will be fixed 1-2 hours.
Thank you
Hello ,
Have you added all depedancy modules and check this once https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/2541
Thanks ,
Hello , Please share logs file.
Hello ,
Can you please check this similar issue https://abp.io/support/questions/7193/AutofacCoreDependencyResolutionException-when-starting-MAUI-app-on-Android
Thank you.
how can I create a new project with Lepton theme via abp cli. Can you answer this question as well?
abp new Myapp -u angular -t app-pro --theme lepton