Hi, I have followed below steps and it works properly at my end.
Add AbpAudit Module as a project.
I have added this code in hostmodule.cs file in ConfigureServices()
Configure<AbpAspNetCoreAuditingOptions>(options => { options.IgnoredUrls.AddIfNotContains("/api/app/books"); });
Add [DisableAuditing]
in a controller or appservice.
After following above steps when I call api the entry is not added in AuditLogs table. I think this is what you want , right ?
Please let me know , If anything else required.
could you please check is there any logs?
Can you please confirm once where are you adding this provided code? please check this documentation https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Audit-Logging#abpaspnetcoreauditingoptions
Can you please try with this code
Configure<AbpAspNetCoreAuditingOptions>(options => { options.IgnoredUrls.AddIfNotContains("/api/app/jobs/sync-robot-drivers"); });
Hello ,
Please check this similar issue https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/3901/DisableAuditing-not-working-on-Controller-and-Controller-Action
Thank you.
public override async void Define(IFeatureDefinitionContext context)
var tasksGroup = context.AddGroup(FeatureNameForSingleMovements);
var protocolGroup = context.AddGroup(FeatureNameForProtocols);
await DefineFeaturesForAssessmentType(tasksGroup, AssessmentTypeNames.Movement);
await DefineFeaturesForAssessmentType(protocolGroup, AssessmentTypeNames.Protocol);
this method is not awaited so the feature are getting undefined
can you try using AsyncHelper To call your async method and run them in sync.
It would be good to define feature as a concrete and not from database.
Yes it is possible , you have to customize your code at your side.
Hello ,
You can check this similar ticket https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/2208/Create-log-file-one-per-day
Thank you.
Hello ,
You can add following code in MainFooterComponent.razor
@using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection @using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.SideMenu @inherits Footer @attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(Footer))] @attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
<span class=" copyright-text text-center" > My Custom Footer </span>
Thank you.
Hello , Sorry for that check this link https://code-maze.com/csharp-configure-rolling-file-logging-with-serilog/ Thanks