Activities of "Anjali_Musmade"


From the code that you have provided I guess menu items are not visible. because you have removed it from the RouteService (this.routesService.remove(permissionProhibitedPageIds);) so now routes service doesn't have those menu. in the previous question I asked you "are you doing a reload after tenant switch?" i am guessing you are just using router to route to default root page. can you replace following code

 this.router.navigate(['/'], { skipLocationChange: false, onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload' }).then(ready => {
                  if (ready) {
                    //TODO: is it really needed? What to do here?

with this

window.location.href = '/'


You have to manually create The folder and also create register.cshtml in Identity Server Web application

and past the code which i have sent you in previous reply

does it contain functionality to connect a google login after account creation? can you explain it with the scenario i am not able understand.

you have to only register once after registration the login provider details get stored in these two tables along with the user created

select * from [dbo].[AbpUserLogins]
select * from [dbo].[AbpUserTokens]

please explain with a scenario then will be able to provide you with more details


Yes we will fix in next version. Can we close this ticket if your query is resolved? Please confirm.

Thank You, Anjali

Hello ademaygun,

We tried deploying the application with v7.1.1, but could not be able to reproduce the issue. Also Checked your appsettings.json ,it looks fine. could you please elaborate more on your question.

Thanks, Anjali

Hello yinchang,

Please try by adding following code to MyApp\aspnet-core\src\MyApp.AuthServer\wwwroot\global-styles.css

:root .lpx-theme-dark .lpx-login-bg {
    background-image: url('/LeptonX/images/login-pages/login-bg-img-dark.svg') !important;
:root .lpx-theme-light .lpx-login-bg {
    background-image: url('/LeptonX/images/login-pages/login-bg-img-light.svg') !important;
:root .lpx-theme-dim .lpx-login-bg {
    background-image: url('/LeptonX/images/login-pages/login-bg-img-dim.svg') !important;

Please do let us know if this solution has worked for you?

Awaiting for your response.

Thank You, Anjali


Yes you can add the non abp identity server in abp identity server. You just have to configure with the client id and client secret then abp database won't save the password as that will be considered as an external authentication. You can read more here how to configure.


Please check here'XXXXX'


can you share you package.json

Hiello ademaygun,

Can you please share your deployed application appsettings.json file.

There might be some misconfiguration related to URL's

Thank you, Anjali


are you setting ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT as development anywhere while running it in appservice.or docker

because this is only suppose to run in Development Environment if (hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())

i hope you are building and publish by adding --configuration Options

dotnet publish --configuration Release

dotnet build --configuration Release

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30