Activities of "Anjali_Musmade"


first add this <PackageReference Include="Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Public.Web" Version="7.3.1" /> project refernece to your web module and then

you can achieve it by adding [DependsOn(typeof(CmsKitProPublicWebModule))] to {YourProjectModule}WebModule see below screenshot

and then you can view them in your admin app without login

Hello kirotech,

Could you please guide us how to reproduce this issue, share some steps to reproduce if possible.

Thank you


if you want to share your solution so we can have a look at the issue please share to with mentioning the ticket number.


If you need a trigger when user is authenticated you can use the configstate.


Yes editing also works

see below video


Here is the end result

You can achieve this by doing following changes.

create a custom ** module and a route.module** file

in app-saas-routing.module.ts

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', redirectTo: 'teams', pathMatch: 'full' },
    path: '',
    component: RouterOutletComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthGuard, PermissionGuard, SaasExtensionsGuard],
    children: [
        path: 'teams',
        component: TenantsComponent,
        data: {
          requiredPolicy: 'Saas.Tenants',
        path: 'edition',
        component: EditionsComponent,
        data: {
          requiredPolicy: 'Saas.Editions',

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppSaasRoutingModule { }

in app-saas.module.ts comment aut default saas add routes and you own routes

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppSaasRoutingModule } from './app-saas-routing.module';
import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';
import { SaasModule, SaasExtensionsGuard } from '@volo/';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports : [SaasModule],
  providers : [SaasExtensionsGuard]
export class AppSaasModule { 


in app-routing.module.ts

and modify code in route.provider.ts

import { APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';

export const APP_ROUTE_PROVIDER = [
  { provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useFactory: configureRoutes, deps: [RoutesService], multi: true },

function configureRoutes(routes: RoutesService) {
  return () => {
    routes.remove(['Saas::Menu:Saas']);  // here remove default saas menu
        path: '/',
        name: '::Menu:Home',
        iconClass: 'fas fa-home',
        order: 1,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        path: '/dashboard',
        name: '::Menu:Dashboard',
        iconClass: 'fas fa-chart-line',
        order: 2,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        requiredPolicy: 'Penstore.Dashboard.Host  || Penstore.Dashboard.Tenant',
        name: 'Saas::Menu:Saas',  //add your own menu
        iconClass: 'fas fa-chart-line',
        order: 3,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        requiredPolicy: "Saas.Tenants || Saas.Editions",
        parentName : 'Saas::Menu:Saas', 
        name: "Saas::Tenants",  //add your own menu
        path: '/saas/teams',
        iconClass: 'fas fa-chart-line',
        order: 1,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        requiredPolicy: "Saas.Tenants",
        parentName : "Saas::Menu:Saas",
        name: "Saas::Editions",  //add your own menu
        path: "/saas/edition",
        iconClass: 'fas fa-chart-line',
        order: 2,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        requiredPolicy: "Saas.Editions",


I was able to reproduce your issue

implement the IFileManagementDbContext

and also add options.ReplaceDbContext<IFileManagementDbContext>(); in AdministrationServiceEntityFrameworkCoreModule ``

then it will work



Please let us know if you have any queries or if the query is resolved please mark the ticket as close. Thanks.


I hope in your identity server module you have these module listed on dependson.


we have integrated CMS and Payment Module in Identity server web application but not able to reproduce the issue

In AuthServer In AuthServer

In Public

In AuthServer

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