I dont think that is should be limited to the request path, there just should be something logged that make the log useful. E.g. The ApplicationService Name. In the current state the feature is really hard to use with blazor server (0 filtering possibility...).
When using blazor server, Audit Logs shows "/_blazor" for each HttpRequest property. Altough websockets are used, there should still be proper information in the Auditlog, so we know for which request it is.
Great, that works!
I updated your solution to include the original part where it formats the JSON, only incase of an invalid json I just display the string.
Thank you!
The parameters also often contains large base64 images, so a maxlength parameter field would seriously impact our database performance. It would be great when at least 1 field of the audit/auditaction table works for this. Eg. comments ui gets scrollable when length > 200.
Steps to reproduce:
Ok, I tried fixing it by writing the data to antoher field (e.g. increasing comments size and writing it there, or in ExtraProperties).
None of it works, because the UI does not display it. (e.g. comments only shows first 200 characters, Extraproperties seems to not be able to hande json).
This works half way, the data is inserted into the DB. But now the Frontend crashes (Blazor), because the Page (AuditLogs -> Action -> Details) seems to expect a valid JSON:
---> System.Text.Json.JsonReaderException: Expected end of string, but instead reached end of data. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1999.
I guess this was the reason why it was just not inserted into the DB. For auditing it would be really useful to still get the information, wo can this be fixed?
Ok, I formulated it badly.
I mean the property AbpAuditLogActions.Parameters, where the HTTP POST Body is logged.
It has a max length of 2000 characters. When the JSON is longer than 2000, it will log nothing at all. I would like to have it cut off instead, same as AbpAuditLogs.Comments.
Audit logging:
When the paramter is larger than 2000 characters, no parameters are logged.
Is it possible to cut off the parameters at 2000 chars and still log them? The same way 'comments' in audit logs corrently works.
With 4.3.2, we added a Blazor.Server Startup Project to our existing Blazor Project. On Blazor WASM, ABP automatically shows Error Dialogs for exceptions, e.g. for validations or UserFriendlyExceptions.
On Server side blazor no dialog is shown, instead, the whole client freezes. What must be done to get the ABP Error Dialog on Blazor.Server?
How to reproduce:
Thanks you!