Activities of "DominaTang"


The problem was solved in 8.2

I upgraded to ABP 8.2.1, this error is gone. There are still quite a lot of other Angular errors, I will create separate thread for it.

I tried Abp 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 too, all has this error. There are also quite some other compile errors.

I downgrade this package "@abp/ng.schematics": "7.4.5", then this error is gone. I believe ABP 8.1.x version package has bug.



Add User full name to class VerifySecurityCodeModel

You can override the VerifySecurityCodeModel page to add more properties of the users.

When editing Text Template via Admin page, there is a TextTemplate called "Abp.Account.EmailSecurityCode", this is the page to modify email content.

I read the source of AccountAppService and override the method Send Security code. (Render email content from template part)

Add User full name to class VerifySecurityCodeModel

I also met a weird case; Tenant table data:

However, when I login as user of tenant in above screenshot, it still ask me to provide security code.

I there a way to add User Full Name to the template, from

There is only userId property in the model.

Also, is there a way to update expire time to 5 minutes?

Thanks, my script updated the wrong tenantId.


ForceUsersToPeriodicallyChangePassword and PasswordChangePeriodDays are independent settings for Host and Tenant.

Is there a way to update all tenants settings when host settings are updated.

You can add the default value for these settings or set a value for the default provider.


Showing 11 to 20 of 50 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13