I have updated ABP Suite from the server (for this bugfix), so please follow the below steps:
1.) Uninstall ABP Suite:
dotnet tool uninstall -g Volo.Abp.Suite
2.) Clear NuGet caches:
dotnet nuget locals all --clear
3.) Re-install ABP Suite:
abp suite install --version 8.0.2
Then, when you regenerate the entity, it should work as expected.
Hi, it seems it's not looking in the correct directory. I'll recheck it again in the code.
Hi, you can check the documentation to add the IdentityUser
as the np.
We enhanced this flow and with v8.1, you'll be able to select it from the basic tab, but if you need to do it now, you can follow the documentation.
Thank you, but the main problem is the error in the DataGrid and not the migration ;-) But I assume you created a bug for that too.
Yes, in the issue that I created, I mentioned these two problems :)
With the child, there is no option to deactivate the DB migration. If you don't want this for the master, then you don't want it for the child either. In addition, because of the above error, it naturally means that a migration can never be created because of the error in the DataGrid.
Hi, yes you are right, the child entity should respect the master entity's option for migration creation. I have created an internal issue (#16434), and fix it asap.
I have refunded your ticket, thanks for reporting these problems. Closing the question.
Best regards.
Thank you for fixing this.
Could you please refund the ticket? Thanks.
Sure, I have refunded your ticket and closed the question.
Best Regards.
Hi, thanks for the comprehensive explanation. I'll create an internal issue for it and fix it asap.
Hi, thanks for the explanation. We fixed this problem and it will be available with v8.0.2. In meantime, you can uncheck "unit and integration test" checkbox while generating the entity.
Hi, I'm unable to reproduce it. I have created the same entities as yours, such as Product and Customer and establish one-to-many relationship between them as can be seen in the following figure:
Here is the gif:
As you can see from the gif there is not problem in v8.0.1. Can that be related to one of the extensions that you use in your browser? Can you try it on a private browser? (As far as I remember you have created an other ticket that was like this one, so I suspect that it's related to one of the extensions that you are using probably prevent opening modals in certain cases.)
you can use abp suite build code by v8.0.1
I used v8.0.1 when tried to reproduce the problem that you are facing, but I'm unable to reproduce it. Please share your application on support@abp.io with the ticket number so that we can better assist you.