Activities of "LW"

Hey, I'm desisingn an application module that depends on our core module entities. In the application module, I have entites that reference core module entities via Id reference. I'm trying create a solution where it would be easy and efficient to join data from core module entites to a query in the application module. The module is designed to be an integrated part of the system so dublicating data into that module is not the best solution. The entity extension system doesn't seem to be quite what I'm looking for either.

One way to achive this would be to use DbContext inheritance so the core module entites would be in use through the application module dbContext. However this is not possible at the moment because I ran into this problem: . The suggested solution would be to add the protected constructor with non generic options injected as parameter. This would have to be in the AbpDbContext however.

I'm wondering would be the suggested way to link dbContexts together or join data over multiple dbContexts?

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.1
  • UI type: Angula
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Is the generation going to support Value Objects at some point? What would be the suggested way to generate the entites and then form value object to the entites afterwards at this point? How would you deliver value object data through the API: as a separate dto object or with properties inside the entity's dto class?

  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.0
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: [11:12:39 ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ---------- { "code": null, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "data": {}, "validationErrors": null }

[11:12:39 ERR] Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'startIndex') System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'startIndex') at System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(String source, String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, CompareOptions options) at System.String.IndexOf(String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, StringComparison comparisonType) at System.String.IndexOf(String value, Int32 startIndex, StringComparison comparisonType) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.GemUnTEg8C(String , String , String ) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.SmPUPD5FVI(String , String , Boolean ) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.ry8UalTMOS(String , String , Boolean , DatabaseProvider ) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.yQaUMqY0OU(String , DatabaseProvider ) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.REPUDgh9L9() at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.EntityGenerateCommand.ExecuteAsync(CrudPageCommandOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.CommandManager.ExecuteAllAsync(CrudPageCommandOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Commands.CrudPageGenerator.GenerateAsync(EntityModel entity, Solution solution) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Controllers.CrudPageGeneratorController.SaveAndGenerateEntityAsync(Guid solutionId, EntityModel entity) at lambda_method2068(Closure , Object ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.TaskOfActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, Object controller, Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.g__Awaited|12_0(ControllerActionInvoker invoker, ValueTask`1 actionResultValueTask)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.g__Awaited|10_0(ControllerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.g__Awaited|13_0(ControllerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|25_0(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted)

Hello, for some reason our code style changes to the backend code broke the CRUD page generation. I Checked the commit that broke it and it contained basically only indendation style changes. I don't understand how code style changes could affect the generation tool. I tried reverting some of the change that seemed most relevant to this with no effect. How could I try to solve this issue?
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13