Simple Question , I am adding module to the application, it is a customized module done by our side, any proper way to adding it to the application? Cause I cannt find any way on abp suite(should equal to abp CLI command line).
Firstly I'm sorry about my first mismatching answer to you. It has been posted by a mistake to this thread.
I am going to call api of different modules, and I saw there is RequestVerificationToken on swagger API, like /api/file-management/file-descriptor/content API
If you send requests via using client proxies, you don't need to get any of token manually. Client proxy handles them.
I find that when I login to admin account, token is valid but
When I logoff, token is invalid that cannot get response.If your endpoint requires authentication, you won't be able to access that endpoint when you logged out.
Can you share more info about which endpoint you are trying to access with token?
Hi enisn
We have some external workers(software) to access files uploaded by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) . It could be the intranet user. To read the file , it will be downloaded via API on https:{our endpoint}/api/file-management/file-descriptor/content API
I tried to change the nuget from sqlserver to mysql and followed the instruction on But it have error on running, is it possible to switch from MSSQL to MySQL in DbMigrator project, so that I can init MySQL database?
I find that when I login to admin account, token is valid but When I logoff, token is invalid that cannot get response.
Hello Enisn Token and Serilog are different thing. I am asking the API token not the loging, how to get token?Thanks
I am going to call api of different modules, and I saw there is RequestVerificationToken on swagger API, like /api/file-management/file-descriptor/content API
I have 2 cases,
How to obtain the API Token for the above cases? I need to call module api in many cases
I had exaclty added the code in cofiguration but no window buttion show up
context.Services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(iis => { iis.AuthenticationDisplayName = "Windows"; iis.AutomaticAuthentication = false; });
I added in ConfigureExternalProviders and hide all other social media option, showing this
Can you check this:
Hello, I see there is some coding add to abp framwork but no way to enable it , any recommendation?
I see window authentication is highly related to IIS, it should need to config on IIS
I am trying to do it on web page and will update later
I got the answer, the menu should config on ConfigureMainMenuAsync on XXXXXXMenuContributor class
This has been resolved: