Activities of "Repunjay"

The response of api is Status Code: 403 Forbidden

Can not find the given email address:Ish

It will throw an UserFriendlyException exception when the GetUserByEmail method cannot find user, and its status code will be 403, which is by design.

protected virtual async Task<IdentityUser> GetUserByEmail(string email) 
    var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(email); 
    if (user == null) 
        throw new UserFriendlyException(L["Volo.Account:InvalidEmailAddress", email]); 
    return user; 


Actually this is not the issue. We have enabled the Forgot Password flow into front-end and ABP uses SMTP for sending email notifications.

For our project, we are using AWS SES service for sending email notification to users. All the example we have seen for forgot password are using SMTP methods. Will you please guide us how to utilize forgot password feature with AWS SES method?

This is one important ask our product owner is looking and we would like to finish this feature ASAP. We will appreciate your quick response

Thanks for your inputs.

I have incorporated all changes you have suggested as given urls

Still we cannot access api’s from postman using revoked token.

Please let me know if we can have quick remote call to discuss and resolve the issue.

We tried the suggested approach but still facing difficulties. Is it possible for you to share a working example of custom page which includes all the components? We can refer it and use it for our use case.

Thanks, but the problem is we don’t have separate components as in the earlier version of code (3.0.4) we replaced the whole page and now with upgraded code (4.3.1) if we do so, it will be a whole lot of effort. We want support for the whole page change as we are not currently planning to componentize the login page

Hi ABP team - Can you please advise on this issue?

Hi ABP team - Can you please advise on this issue?

The structure of the sql you shared is different from the project I received.
Please try to reproduce the problem through the code, you can share the necessary code to create the data. Please keep it simple, thanks.

I'm not sure how does it prevent you to debug the issue. You can create the Litmus_Lenovo_ProfileManagement database thru code migration by executing "update-database" command and selecting "SCV.Litmus.ProfileManagement.HttpApi.Host" project. Once the DB is created, you can setup one record in Samples table using below query -

INSERT INTO public."Samples"( "Id", "ExtraProperties", "ConcurrencyStamp", "CreationTime", "CreatorId", "LastModificationTime", "LastModifierId", "IsDeleted", "DeleterId", "DeletionTime", "TenantId", "Value") VALUES ('e42f9b05-2e27-41f4-a562-c1c00cf49d39', '{}', '', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', null, null, null, false, null, null, 'd1be844b-d3a2-031a-f036-39f5d4380239', 123);

The host database Litmus_Admin and tenant database Litmus_Lenovo_Admin needs to be created thru script as it has the neccessary data and tenant information which is required to reproduce the issue. We cannot create all data thru code.


Here is my steps:

  1. Replace all connection strings with my locally.
  2. Run modules\litmus-core\src\SCV.Litmus.DbMigrator\SCV.Litmus.DbMigrator
  3. Run dotnet ef database update in SCV.Litmus.ProfileManagement.HttpApi.Host project.
  4. Run SCV.Litmus.IdentityServer and SCV.Litmus.ProfileManagement.HttpApi.Host.
  5. Call https://localhost:44398/profile/api/ProfileManagement/sample get success result.
  6. Add a tenant in database.
  7. Then Call https://localhost:44398/profile/api/ProfileManagement/sample get success result.

@Repunjay Am I miss some steps?

Hi maliming,

I've sent you an email with detailed steps to reproduce the error and do further debugging. Kindly check and advise.


I checked the inbox,trash,spam did not receive any mail,

Strange you didn't received it. May be the attachment and network connection could be causing it. Could you please check it after some time and confirm. I'll also try to send it from my personal email address.

I've resend the email and project from my official ( and personal ( email addresses. Please check and confirm.


I checked the inbox,trash,spam did not receive any mail,

Strange you didn't received it. May be the attachment and network connection could be causing it. Could you please check it after some time and confirm. I'll also try to send it from my personal email address.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21