Activities of "Sam.Lu"

@liangshiwei I deleted AuthorID_To_Book and AuthorID_To_Book.Design and Build succeeded, but Book still doesn't work . Greatly appreciated for your help.

Sorry, I am a beginner. I want to ask more carefully. Is it the migrations part of Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore?

  • ef migration remove
  • dotnet ef database update Should I use these two commands, and in which folder should I execute them?

ABP Framework version: v8.2.1 UI Type: Blazor WASM Database System: EF Core (SQLite) Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no My github URL:

Thank you for your explanation. I am currently working on the Acme.BookStore project using tutorials and have completed 10 chapters. However, after running the project, there are still some UI issues that make it unusable. I am confident that the first 9 chapters are correct, but I am not sure if I misunderstood some parts of the 10th chapter. Could you please help me review it? Thank you.

Is not over here?

Do you have any update? Thank you!

OK! Thank you very much!

OK! My E-mail: Title: Acme.BookStore Thank!

I have tried this method, it seems to be using SQL server and Blazor sever not Blazor webassembly and SQLite, will this have any impact? I have also simply used his razer file, but there are still errors.

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