Activities of "Spospisil"


I've just given you access to a github repository that shows the public site hosting the blazor wasm app. For some reason I can't get it to even work at the moment, but take a look at the solution to visually see what I am attempting to accomplish.


much in the way that ABP's examples show the AuthServer project being used in the same manner

Are you talking about this?

Yes, I am talking about this example.

What do you recommend as the host for one or more WASM applications using the ABP framework?

I think this is no different from the standard ASPNETCore application.

So, whether it's the public site (built from ABP suite) or the AuthServer project, both could serve as a 'host' for one or more blazor WASM applications?

If you face any problems you can share a test project with me and I will check it. thanks.

I will get an example project for you tomorrow to show you essentially what we're trying to do technically to supplement what I've already explained.


I didn't say I was using WASM as the public website. I said I was using the public website as the host for 1 or more WASM applications, much in the way that ABP's examples show the AuthServer project being used in the same manner. So what's the difference between using the public site vs the auth server as the host for a wasm application?

What do you recommend as the host for one or more WASM applications using the ABP framework?

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.0
  • UI Type: Blazor WASM
  • Database System: EF Core (PostgreSQL)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes


Do you have example of how to configure the ABP public website generated from abp suite so that it can host multiple Blazor WebAssembly applications that correctly with the LeptonX theme and all the necessary files to render the theme correctly? We use something like the following code block to setup the ability to host one or more Blazor WebAssembly applications in the xxxxxxWebPublicModule.cs class


    app.MapWhen(ctx => ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/Blazor"), app1 =>
        //app1.Use((ctx, nxt) =>
        //    ctx.Request.Path = "/Blazor" + ctx.Request.Path;
        //    return nxt();

        if (MultiTenancyConsts.IsEnabled)
        app1.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
            endpoints.MapFallbackToFile("/Blazor/{*path:nonfile}", "/Blazor/index.html");


Yes,I have tried it....and it sort of works. Can you be more specific in terms of exactly what in the red.css and bootstrap-red.css files need to change to make the button red like you show?

Also, once I get this figured out, I want to make this new theme the default theme. How is that accomplished via the Configure<LeptonXThemeOptions> code block?

Configure<LeptonXThemeOptions>(options =>
    // Removing existing themes

    // Adding a new theme
        new LeptonXThemeStyle(
        "bi bi-circle-fill"));


Of course I've seen that, but like my original question stated I'm specifically referring to the content section of the LeptonX theme. The link you provided seems to only address side and top menu only. I'd like full control over all styling both LeptonX and Bootstrap related elements.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3
  • UI Type: Blazor WASM
  • Database System: EF Core (PostgreSQL)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

How can I override the LeptonX styles for the UI elements within the theme? I'm not just referring to the the top/side menu, but the content area itself of the theme. The documentation links on ABP's site are very confusing in terms of step by step how to do this.

The problem with this approach is that if there is if the # of items in the navigational menu are numerous and results in a scrollbar for the menu the dividing line shows as going right through that scrollbar.

Correct. I want to programmatically add dividers to the left navigation menu at my discretion when adding menu items.

Any update on this?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21