Activities of "alexander.nikonov"

What is a reliable way to prevent triggering API requests after I click logout on the site globally (without introducing many changes)? I am getting API requests from my page sent after clicking "Logout" link, but before being redirected to "Login" page. Of course such requests end up with error 401. But I do not want them to be triggered at all (i.e. I'd like to cancel the subscription of all of them in some centralized way). Is it tracking event type 'logout' inside HttpInterceptor? I've tried it and still see the same requests...

It helped and I opened two tabs in the same browser of the test app. When I do logout in one tab (and being taken to the Login page) - another tab remains intact, until I try to navigate somewhere from it: then it redirects me to the Login page too.

In our case, when I do logout on one tab - another tab is being affected too (so the navigation menu is being disappeared for the unauthorized user as expected, however the common layout remains). I was unable to determine what might trigger this. I can't send the code or do a screenshare. But probably you may give me some hints? Could it be an established SignalR connection, for instance? Or some guards?

i don't think so, abp use the standard database library.

btw, if you share a minimum reproducible project with me. i will check it.

I've finally created a test project and changed the front-end port from 4200 to 4400 not to confuse our development apps with ABP framework test app. I've replaced '4200' with '4400' in all back-end json settings and environment.ts in front-end. I also updated it here:

Though, I still cannot login to the Angular app:

error:invalid_request error_description:The specified 'redirect_uri' is not valid for this client application. error_uri:

To me it looks like is it something wrong with ABP test project setup. Because I use the very same format string for my other .NET project and it runs fine. And your link also suggests the same string format I use.

I removed, it tells now

System.ArgumentException: ''Server' is an invalid connection string attribute

So I don't understand what format it wants then.

I don't think this idea would work. We have a customized solution and we use a different DBMS, not MS SQL Server. So I might even not be able to reproduce it on a test ABP project.

Anyway, I am ready to give it a go.

So I am trying to set up a test project - I generated it from "abp suite 8.1.3". But the Migrator throws the exception about the connection string format (I am going to use my free MS SQL Server Express for test purposes).

This is what has been generated by Abp Suite: "Data Source=Test;Integrated Security=yes;" - here the exception tells about unsupported "Integrated Security" parameter.

I've change the format to "Server=MyServerAddress;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;TrustServerCertificate=true" - but this format is not undestood also.

Understood... Thank you.

Unfortunately there is no better way

Well, maybe Ocelot Gateway project would help it? Will it work to merge localizations from all running sites (i.e. merge the "application-localization" endpoints results) and finally get the full list at the site with Role Management page, will the page "see" all those?

I do have localization for permissions, but the translations are stored in the resource files (in Domain.Shared project) of the respective applications: A, B, C. So to show the display names of all of them on a central Permission Management page, I need to retrieve the translations from those projects.

And to my knowledge, there are only two options here:

  1. to consume all the resources (i.e. Domain.Shared projects - which are now published as Nuget package) in the solution where the Permission Management page is;
  2. make an API call to A, B, C solutions endpoints to retrieve resources on the Permission Management page and map them on resource keys on front-end side;

I don't like variant #1 because of the reasons described previously. And I don't like variant #2 much either, because there could be a lot of excessive data - /api/abp/application-localization endpoint only accepts the language parameter, no any resource key mask...

I thought that maybe there's a better way?

I cannot hardcode display name of the permission in the property, if this is what you meant, because I have a multi-language app, so the permission display name needs to be changed depending on the current UI language.

What is the project of this error log? You can try to add your code to Domain module.

Sorry, I am not sure I am following you. The first exception (DI issue) needs to be reproduced yet, I am waiting for my colleague trying to assist me, because I did not manage to get this exception. So I cannot say anything here yet.

But instead I received another exception related to the transaction level. According to your recommendation, I have overriden all the stores with the code you provided for the older version of ABP - in order to override a transaction level. After adding this code, I can see that the Store property is properly filled with my custom class. All the constructors of all three custom stores did invoke - so the code was applied as expected. Still, I received the same exception again at some point. I cannot see how this may ever happen, if all my front-end applications interact with the same OpenId Server where I made the override and - I expect - there is only one "entry point" to reach out the TokenCleanupBackgroundWorker where the exception happens and this "entry point" is the interaction between front-end applications and OpenId Server?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13