Activities of "balessi75"

ABP 7.0.1 Commercial / Blazor Server / EF / Separated IDS / Non-tiered


We are following the exact steps in the following blog post:

The CustomTenantRepository in the example has the following method:

 public async Task<Tenant> GetTenantByHost(string host, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var context = await GetDbContextAsync();
        var tenant =  context.Tenants.Where(u => EF.Property<string>(u, "Host") == host);
        return await tenant.FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

The problem we are having is that the context.Tenants.Where method appears to be querying the table AbpTenants instead of SaasTenants. The following SQL Server exception occurs: Invalid object name 'AbpTenants'.

Please advise. Thank you in advance.

Hi @liangshiwei,

AddAppSettingsSecretsJson() is not a method of IConfigurationBuilder, so the change to DbContextFactory didn't work for us.

FYI - Instead, we got it to work by adding the following to the CreateHostBuilder method of Program.cs in the DbMigrator project.

  .ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, builder) =>
                if (hostContext.HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())

ABP 7.0.1 Commercial / Blazor Server / EF / Separated Tenant and Host DBs / Non-tiered


In order for developers to use local DBs without their local DB references being checked into source control, we attempted to use .NET's 'Manage User Secrets' feature for the DBMigrator project (secrets.json).

We are finding though that the framework still uses the connection string under the standard appsettings.json file for the DBMigrator project. When using the secrets.json feature under the Blazor project, everything works as expected. Is this by design or is there something we are missing with regards to the DBMigrator project?

Thanks in advance,


Thanks @liangshiwei, this worked perfectly

Excellent, thanks @liangshiwei

ABP Commercial 7.0.1 / EF / Blazor Server / Separate Host and Tenant DBs / Non-tiered


While testing our upgrade from 5.2.0 to 7.0.1, we found that on the 'My Account' -> 'Personal Info' area, when a phone number is changed and then saved, the 'Verify' button no longer appears and the user is no longer prompted to verify their phone number.

We confirmed the issue with a newly templated project, and found that in...


..the following 'false' parameter is now being passed to .serializeFormToObject in v7.0.1

var input = $("#PersonalSettingsForm").serializeFormToObject(false);

This is what seems to be causing the issue as we overrode Default.js and removed the false parameter (as it was in v5.2.0) and the problem is resolved.

Please advise if this is the correct workaround and if this will be fixed in the next version.


Thanks, @liangshiwei! This was everything I needed to customize the personal settings area as needed.

ABP 7.0.1 Commercial / Blazor Server / EF / Separated Tenant and Host DBs/ Non-tiered

Hi, We are attempting to change the order of the tabs in the "My Account" area. To do so, we considered replacing/overriding the AccountProfileManagementPageContributor and overriding the ConfigureAsync method so that we can add the tab groups in a custom order. We found, however, that ConfigureAsync is not overridable (virtual).

Are we going about this correctly or is there another way to accomplish this? If not, we'd like to put in a request to make the ConfigureAsync method of AccountProfileManagementPageContributor overridable.

Thanks in advance!

ABP 7.0.1 Commercial / Blazor Server / EF / Separated Tenant and Host DBs/ Non-tiered

Hi, If a tenant admin sets two factor to be 'optional' for each user, what would be the recommended approach to defaulting each newly added/registered user to have two-factor turned on. Currently the framework defaults to each AbpUser having two-factor turned off.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks @liangshiwei !

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30