Activities of "balessi75"

ABP 5.2 Commercial / Blazor Server / EF / Non-Tiered w/Separated Identity Server

Hi, We deployed our application to Azure under the URL and the link sent to the password reset email worked just fine.

We then needed to change the target URL under Azure to, so we modified appsettings.json accordingly and redeployed to azure. Everything seems to work fine under the new URL, except that the password reset link in the password reset email still points to the old/original URL that no longer exists.

I cannot seem to find why this is happening or where this is happening in the ABP framework. Nothing in our solution references the old URL anymore.

Any help is urgently needed. Thanks in advance...

There will be no problem with the above functions, you can create a new version of the project to test it.

Great, thank you @mailiming. I also forgot to ask, is there any data that we need to migrate since the schema is changing? I'm also assuming that after the upgrade tests ok, we can just drop the IdentityServer* tables?

ABP 5.2 Commercial / Blazor Server/ EF / Non-Tiered / Separated Identity Server

Hi, We are planing an upgrade from 5.2 to 7.0 and also migrating to OpenIdDict. We don't currently do any client/application authentication against the ABP APIs from another application. Would there be any effective difference to our end users? We just want to make sure that the following areas wouldn't be affected after the upgrade...

  • User names and passwords
  • Password complexity settings
  • Role and permission setup and assignments
  • Two factor setup and functionality
  • Account lockout
  • Password recovery
  • LDAP login
  • User/Tenant Impersonation

Thanks in advance!

ABP Commercial (5.2) / EF / Blazor Server

Hi, We are using the following in the OnInitializedAsync method of our .razor page...

            Toolbar.AddButton("New Entry", async () =>
                await OpenCreateEntryModal();
            }, icon: Blazorise.IconName.Add);

This works perfectly, but we need to be able to later on dynamically change the tool bar button. For example, under a certain condition, as the user works with the page, we would like to either disable or hide the button. Is this possible with ABP?

Hi malik.masis,

When we execute the following (as shown in Abp documentation)..

var l = validationContext.GetRequiredService<IStringLocalizer<AppNameResource>>();

We receive the following exception at runtime...

System.InvalidOperationException: No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer 1[FM.Timepiece.Localization.TimepieceResource] has been registered.

The call to GetRequiredService is initiated in the Validate method of our Dto located in the Application.Contracts project.

Any idea why this method call is not returning the service and erroring out for us?

Abp Commercial 5.2 / EF Core / Blazor Server

Hi, we have a DTO which implements IValidatbleObject and in our Validate method and we are attempting to localize errors by doing the following...

 public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
    var l = validationContext.GetRequiredService<IStringLocalizer<TimepieceResource>>();

    if (StartTime != null && EndTime != null && StartTime >= EndTime)
        yield return new ValidationResult(l["Validation:StartTimeGreaterThanEndTime"].Value,  new[] { nameof(StartTime) });


The problem though is that, the GetRquiredService call exceptions out with the following...

System.InvalidOperationException: No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer 1[FM.Timepiece.Localization.TimepieceResource] has been registered. The call is not displaying properly in the code block above... it's called as follows... var l = validationContext.GetRequiredService<IStringLocalizer<TimepieceResource>>();

Any help narrowing this down is greatly appreciated.

Regards, balessi75


it's on our roadmap, but not a high priority. if you need this, you can implement it yourself

Thank you for the prompt feedback.

Abp Commercial / 5.2 / EF / Blazor Server

Hi, Is support for Session timeout & User lock Screen something that is being considered for Abp Commercial? I see this is available in Zero and would like to bump this in priority as a feature if possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

It appears that the error occurs when the setting "Authenticate with a Local Account" is turned off for a tenant. We are only using Identity Server for authentication (with separated tenant and host schemas configured) and are not using LDAP. Why does this setting need to be turned on in order to login?


Abp Commercial 5.2.0 / Blazor Server / EF / Non-tiered

Hi, we are all of the sudden receiving the following error when attempting to login. There is no exception occurring in the application log. Please advise...

"Invalid login request There are no login schemes configured for this client."

Showing 171 to 180 of 245 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30