Activities of "balessi75"

Abp Commercial 5.1.3 / Blazor Server / EF

Hi, We've added the following to the ConfigureServices method of our Domain.Shared project:

Within the Domain.Shared/Localization/Extensions we have our en.json file set as an embedded resource. In the localization file we are attempting to override the Feature:TwoFactor localization value from the Identity Module. At runtime, however, we don't see the modified label.

We also tried putting the above code in the ConfigureServices method of our Application.Contracts project.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Abp Commercial / 5.1.3 / EF / Blazor Server

Hi, How does one change a setting for a dependent module programmatically? We followed the documentation at:

We are attempting to set Abp.Account.IsSelfRegistrationEnabled to always be false for the host db only by using the SaasDataSeedContributer in our Domain project (see below). The problem is that the account module settings don't seem to be available to set as we receive the following exception when attempting to set the setting: Volo.Abp.AbpException: 'Undefined setting: Abp.Account.IsSelfRegistrationEnabled'

   public virtual async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
        using (_currentTenant.Change(context?.TenantId))
            await _editionDataSeeder.CreateStandardEditionsAsync();

            if (context?.TenantId == null)
                await _settingManager.SetForTenantOrGlobalAsync(null, "Abp.Account.IsSelfRegistrationEnabled", "False");


Abp Commercial 5.1.3 / Blazor Server / EF / Non-tiered

Hi, We have a TemplateDefinitionProvider defined in our Domain project and we are attempting to override the template for the built in email confirmation link. At runtime, however, the context of the provider only has "Abp.StandardEmailTemplates.Layout" and "Abp.StandardEmailTemplates.Message" available in it's collection. In our code below, emailLayoutTemplate is always null. Is there something missing here or are we taking an incorrect approach?

public class EmailTemplateDefinitionProvider : TemplateDefinitionProvider, ITransientDependency
    public override void Define(ITemplateDefinitionContext context)

        var emailLayoutTemplate = context.GetOrNull("Abp.Account.EmailConfirmationLink");

        if (emailLayoutTemplate == null)

We are not using the Text Templating Management Module because we want to maintain one template for all tenants (each tenant has its own separate database).

Thanks as always!

Abp Commercial / 5.1.3/ EF / Blazor Server / Non-tiered

Hi - We updated the default text for the email confirmation text template with the word "test"...

...however, when we send an email during registration of a new user, the Abp default text gets emailed not our saved text of "test". Is there another configuration step to override the default email confirmation text? It is not clear from the documentation.

Hi, We are using Abp Commercial 5.1.3 / EF / Blazor Server / Non-Tiered.

With a newly created project from Abp Suite, we get the following when keying in blank spaces into an input on either login or registration.

We overrode the register razor page, to enhance the validation and get a better understanding how it works in Abp. The input model in Abp has the Required attribute defined for each input field, but blank spaces are not picked up by the UI and the RegisterLocalUserAsync method just exceptions out with an invalid model. So it is unclear to us what the recommended approach here is.

We followed: ... and implemented the following in Register.cshtml.cs

 public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(
           ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (FirstName.Trim() == String.Empty)
                yield return new ValidationResult(
                    "First Name must be specified",
                    new[] { "FirstName" }

This kind of worked once we caught the validation exception, but this validation is all server side and not client side like when the inputs are null and the 'Required' attribute is set in the data model. Additionally the UI is lacking and not consistent when we do this validation.

For example, the built in required validation looks correct, like this:

but the server side validation to accommodate blank spaces is styled like this...

Any help or recommendations you have is greatly appreciated.

Regards, @balessi75

Abp Commercial 5.1.3 / EF / Non-Tiered / Blazor Server

Is there an expiration on the confirm email link, password reset link, or 2 factor code in Abp? If so what is it's default expiration time and how can it be changed and or implemented (if not provided by Abp)?

Hi, We are using Abp Commercial 5.1.3 - Blazor Server. We need to override Abp's Register.cshtml page which we have successfully done.

We have a requirement, however, to utilize an existing Blazor Component (Telerik UI for Blazor) in the overriden Register.cshtml page in our Blazor Server solution. By default this does not appear to be possible because the Register page is an MVC page. Is it possible to accomplish this? And if so, what would be the steps to make this scenario work?

Thanks in advance, balessi75

Abp Commercial 5.1.3

We have a requirement to override the Register.cshtml page by adding a DateOfBirth input field. It is defined as follows..

The field works as expected, except for the fact that it's value is cleared on post when when the Register App Service returns a user friendly exception and the user friendly error is shown at the top of the register dialog. All other input fields retain their value.

Is there something simple I'm missing here? Any work arounds to get the input to retain it's selected date when posting with validation errors?


Abp Commercial 5.1.3 / EF / Blazor Server

The EasyCRM demo and examples in project types other than Blazor feature the ability for the user to specify the paging size on data grids...

However, we do not see this feature in the base modules of Blazor Server. Is this just not implemented yet in Blazor or is there a way to turn this feature on? We have a requirement to have a grid footer shown like above.

Thanks in advance. Brian

Abp 4.4.3 Commercial (Enterprise) / Blazor Server / EF

Hello, We need to customize the ordering of permission groups in the permission management modal. We used the following document as a reference...

Under ...Blazor\Components in our solution, we created a MyPermissionManagmentModal.razor and MyPermissionManagementModal.razor.cs file. We then copied the corresponding source from... into our razor and razor code-behind file.

Our MyPermissionManagementModal inherits from Abp's PermissionManagmentModal and we decorated our Modal with... [ExposeServices(typeof(PermissionManagementModal))] [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]

At runtime, we can see that a breakpoint is hit in the constructor of MyPermissionManagementModal which is good, however, when we click to open the modal, we receive the following... An internal error occurred during your request! 2022-01-18 16:21:58.742 -05:00 [ERR] Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. System.ArgumentException: Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. at System.MulticastDelegate.ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance() at Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.Blazor.Components.PermissionManagementModal.OpenAsync(String providerName, String providerKey, String entityDisplayName)

A break point in our modal at OpenAsync never gets hit.

We are at a loss as to where to go from here and are wondering if we are attempting to solve this problem in an incorrect way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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