Activities of "bozkan"

Documentation suggests using IDistributedLockProvider instead of IAbpDistributedLock (

Btw, is IAbpDistributedLock really distributed or in-process? Because we are in a real distributed environment and need a real distributed lock.

I can't reproduce the problem, can you try the following code?

context.Services.AddSingleton<IDistributedLockProvider>(sp => 
    var connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration["Redis:Configuration"]); 
    return new RedisDistributedSynchronizationProvider(connection.GetDatabase()); 
app.Use(async (httpContext, next) => 
    await using (var handler = await httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAbpDistributedLock>().TryAcquireAsync("AbpBackgroundJobWorker", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) 
        httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 200; 
    await next(httpContext); 

The second code block produces error like below:

When I change it like this, the problem is not solved:

app.Use(async (httpContext, next) => { await using (var handler = await httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService() .TryAcquireAsync("AbpBackgroundJobWorker", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 200; await next(httpContext); } });

Btw, we do not use IAbpDistributedLock but the IDistributedLockProvider interface for distributed lock.

public class MyBackgroundJob : AsyncBackgroundJob<MyRequest>, ITransientDependency
    private readonly IMyDomainService _myDomainService;
    private readonly IDistributedLockProvider _distributedLockProvider;

    public MyBackgroundJob(IMyDomainService myDomainService,
        IDistributedLockProvider distributedLockProvider)
        _myDomainService = myDomainService;
        _distributedLockProvider = distributedLockProvider;

    public override async Task ExecuteAsync(MyRequest args)
        var distributedLock = _distributedLockProvider.CreateLock(MyConsts.MyBackgroundJobName);

        await using (var handle = await distributedLock.TryAcquireAsync())
            if (handle != null)
                await _myDomainService.MyMethod(args);


If the problem cannot be reproduced every time, you can observe it for a while.

Hi maliming,

Problem is being reproduced every time.

Hi @gterdem, thank you for your feedback. But I think this is not a good solution in a production scenario or in a pipeline. (Since these command-line tools may not be available in some environments, and this is the most significant benefit of DbMigrator - a standard console application to do migrations)

And if I would need to execute these ef commands manually in some scenarios, this situation seriously reduces the benefit/usefulness of DbMigrator application. As you may guess reverting a migration is almost always a requirement.

So I think, it would be great if DbMigrator have some parameter <migration-name> and made the same reverting. Is there any roadmap to support such functionality?

Thank you for your help maliming.

By the way, as we are an Enterprise License customer, I have also sent an email to the volosoft contact email address about the issue. (But didn't have a response yet) If we communicate over there maybe I can give more info as it will not be public.

As this is a commercial project, I would rather not share the project structure. But I can give detail about what you are trying to learn.

In addition, when I try to access the feature (using IFeatureChecker) in a plain controller or app service method it works.

Hi Maliming,

I am trying to access it inside a background hosted service project and inside a QuartzBackgroundWorkerBase derived class. (This is some background project for scheduled tasks.)

Btw, as I look at the source code, both IFeatureChecker and IFeatureManager uses line:

var featureDefinition = FeatureDefinitionManager.Get(name);

and I think this line throws the "Undefined feature" exception. But I don't know why.

    public virtual FeatureDefinition Get(string name)
        Check.NotNull(name, nameof(name));

        var feature = GetOrNull(name);

        if (feature == null)
            throw new AbpException("Undefined feature: " + name);

        return feature;

Thank you for your reply.

I tried IFeatureManager but it didn't work either:

Thank you

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