Activities of "cangunaydin"

Ok i figured it out at the end. It was working fine on my local. My production was on azure kubernetes service with nginx ingress. So over there i need to do some configuration to accept underscores for tenant header.

now it works fine.

Hello again, I realized now it only login with host account and not allowing tenant logins. When i give email address, there was already an email address on the host account with that email address and password was the same. That's why it logged in with tenant email address but not with username.

So the question here is why tenant header is ignored while i am doing the request? here is what i have found.

as you can see tenant header is over there. but i am always getting invalid_grant with invalid email address and password. any idea what can be the problem?

oh nice, thank you. I think there are also many problems with the profile page but I can create a new ticket for them. thanks for your help.

Thanks for the information. I have managed to fix it now. It works without autofac. here is the step by step what i did if somebody wants to do it.

1- Change all your dynamic client proxies to static ones. 2- Remove Autofac from the project solution

    typeof(DoohlinkHttpApiStaticClientModule), //your static client over here
public class DoohlinkMauiModule : AbpModule

3- Remove Autofac from MauiProgram.cs it should be sth similar like this, I have created static methods to get the required service from dependency injection for the following steps.

 public static IAbpApplicationWithExternalServiceProvider? AbpApplication { get; private set; }

    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
                fonts.AddFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", "Roboto");

        builder.ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
            handlers.AddHandler(typeof(Entry), typeof(EntryVisualEffectsRemoverHandler));
            handlers.AddHandler(typeof(Picker), typeof(PickerVisualEffectsRemoverHandler));
            handlers.AddHandler(typeof(DatePicker), typeof(DatePickerVisualEffectsRemoverHandler));

        builder.Services.AddApplication<DoohlinkMauiModule>(options =>

        var app = builder.Build();

        AbpApplication = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IAbpApplicationWithExternalServiceProvider>();

        return app;

    public static T? GetRequiredService<T>() where T : class
        return AbpApplication?.Services.GetRequiredService<T>();

    public static object? GetRequiredService(Type type)
        return AbpApplication?.Services.GetRequiredService(type);

4- ReplaceService for MauiCachedApplicationConfigurationClient. Add custom class

    [Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection.Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
[ExposeServices(typeof(ICachedApplicationConfigurationClient), typeof(MauiCachedApplicationConfigurationClient))]
public class DoohlinkMauiCachedApplicationConfigurationClient : MauiCachedApplicationConfigurationClient
    public DoohlinkMauiCachedApplicationConfigurationClient(
        AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy applicationConfigurationClientProxy,
        AbpApplicationLocalizationClientProxy applicationLocalizationClientProxy,
        ApplicationConfigurationCache cache,
        ICurrentTenantAccessor currentTenantAccessor) : base(applicationConfigurationClientProxy,
        applicationLocalizationClientProxy, cache, currentTenantAccessor)
        ApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider =
        ApplicationLocalizationClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = MauiProgram.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>()!;

5- Change ViewModelBase, so it doesn't need LazyServiceProvider anymore.

   public abstract partial class DoohlinkViewModelBase : ObservableObject

    public ICurrentTenant CurrentTenant { get; }
    public ICurrentUser CurrentUser { get; }

    public IAbpAuthorizationService AuthorizationService { get; }

    public LocalizationResourceManager L { get; }

    protected DoohlinkViewModelBase()
        CurrentTenant = MauiProgram.GetRequiredService<ICurrentTenant>()!;
        CurrentUser = MauiProgram.GetRequiredService<ICurrentUser>()!;
        AuthorizationService = MauiProgram.GetRequiredService<IAbpAuthorizationService>()!;
        L = MauiProgram.GetRequiredService<LocalizationResourceManager>()!;

    protected void HandleException(Exception exception, [CallerMemberName] string? methodName = null)
        if (Application.Current is { MainPage: { } })
            Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(L["Error"].Value, exception.Message, L["OK"].Value);

6- Change the MauiModule so lazyserviceprovider can be resolved when you call your app services.

 private void ConfigureServiceProviders(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IProfileAppService>(serviceProvider =>
            var profileClientProxy = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ProfileClientProxy>();
            profileClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
            return profileClientProxy;

        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IIdentityUserAppService>(serviceProvider =>
            var identityUserClientProxy = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IdentityUserClientProxy>();
            identityUserClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
            return identityUserClientProxy;
        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IAccountAppService>(serviceProvider =>
            var accountClientProxy = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<AccountClientProxy>();
            accountClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
            return accountClientProxy;

        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IScreenAppService>(serviceProvider =>
            var screenClientProxy = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ScreenClientProxy>();
            screenClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
            return screenClientProxy;

        context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<ITenantAppService>(serviceProvider =>
            var tenantClientProxy = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TenantClientProxy>();
            tenantClientProxy.LazyServiceProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
            return tenantClientProxy;

you need to add whatever appservice you use over here. Maybe this can be automated for the future.

7- Add permissions manually.

    public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        PreConfigure<AbpHttpClientBuilderOptions>(options =>
            options.ProxyClientBuildActions.Add((_, clientBuilder) =>
    private void AddPermissions(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
        var permissionDefinitionTypes = assemblies.SelectMany(o => o.GetTypes()).Where(o =>
                typeof(IPermissionDefinitionProvider).IsAssignableFrom(o) &&
                o.Name != nameof(IPermissionDefinitionProvider) && o.Name != nameof(PermissionDefinitionProvider))

        context.Services.Configure<AbpPermissionOptions>(options =>

And voila... I am gonna close this issue liangshiwei but one last question. How can I get the source code of AbpMauiClientModule? thank you for the help.

thank you. I will do that.

thank you @maliming. this is what i was looking for. you are a life saviour. I have tried it and it works nicely. I am gonna close this issue, but just one last thing. Is it possible to override clientproxybase so i don't need to do the same for every service that i am injecting.

sampleAppService.As<SampleClientProxy>().LazyServiceProvider = AbpBootstrapper.GetRequiredService<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();

I can write another static method to get the service, but mostly i use constructor injection on my projects. I didn't use it in this example cause of designer data context. any suggestion for that?

Hello, yes it works for desktop and android, but the problem is in ios. As i mentioned before in my previous posts. Did you try it with ios?

Hello again, the link was very useful. But i speak too soon. The problem persists still.

The platform not supported exception gone but when i do the call, then i got an exception below from clientproxybase.

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
 ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1[[BookStore.Category.Samples.ISampleAppService, BookStore.Category.Application.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].get_ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder()
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1[[BookStore.Category.Samples.ISampleAppService, BookStore.Category.Application.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.&lt;RequestAsync&gt;d__33`1[[BookStore.Category.Samples.ISampleAppService, BookStore.Category.Application.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[BookStore.Category.Samples.SampleDto, BookStore.Category.Application.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].MoveNext()
   at BookStore.Category.Samples.SampleClientProxy.GetAsync() in /Users/cangunaydin/dev/samples/BookStore/aspnet-core/modules/BookStore.Category/src/BookStore.Category.HttpApi.Client/ClientProxies/BookStore/Category/Samples/SampleClientProxy.Generated.cs:line 22
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(Int32 argc, String[] argv, IntPtr principalClassName, IntPtr delegateClassName) in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/UIKit/UIApplication.cs:line 58

It gets nullreference exception. probably it can not resolve ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder. Then i realized probably this is related with autofac module, which i can not depend on since ios kernel not allowing it. (Always getting platform not supported exception)

It seems like i stucked with this. I am sending you the sample project that i use. If you have some solution, i would like to hear about it. Right now, i wrote my own http client calls with regular HttpClient object. Though it would be very helpful to use the abp client proxies.

As a note, I use jetbrains rider on mac. When i first created avalonia project it created with target framework as .net7.0. Before i change the framework to .net8.0 I managed to make it work if i wasn't hallucinating :) probably it took .net standard2.0 dlls. But i couldn't make it work after i try to change it back to .net7.0 it was giving me runtime error afterwards. Weird behavior.

you can check your email.

Hello, I have solved it while i am preparing a minimal project :) Sometimes it is better to create it from scratch. Here is my findings and some questions if you can answer. I can also send the sample test project if you do not understand the questions just let me know.

So my problem was with the namespace. When i expose my services from the module i create "Controller" folder under httpapi project then set all folders under it here is a screenshot from my folder structure.

so i was trying to inject the isampleappservice from the application service namespace instead of controller namespace. And static generation is creating the isampleappservice for the controller namespace.

So the first question is if do not put my controller class under controller folder and namespace, it becomes ambiguous namespace for isampleappservice. Cause it is gonna be two isampleappservice comes from application.contracts and from generated folder. How can you fix that? Second question is about "With Contracts and Without Contracts" ( if i create my proxies without contracts first problem is solved. But i want to know downsides of it. Why isampleappservice is created at the first place with contracts? isn't the project referencing to application.contracts anyway? when you create your proxies "with contracts" then shouldn't you reference to application.contracts project? if you do not reference it, as i see it, it doesn't generate the dtos? how it is gonna be functional then?

As you can see i am little bit confused how should it be used. I want to create a nuget package that can be shared on my private repository since different ui platforms needs to access the backend. Any advice to do that? with or without contracts?

one more thing about the problem. My HttpApi Client module consists of multiple HttpApi Client modules. After i posted the previous message, i have tried with only one of them, then the exception go away, but this time i got another exception message. "no service for type IScreenAppService has been registered". So somehow it can not get the service from ioc container. But i can see the generated service. I couldn't understand what i am doing wrong.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13