Activities of "cangunaydin"

Hello, I have sent you the email. As a note, I have created two buttons on host dashboard page. One for creating a record with shared db, and the other one is with separate db. You can use them if you want.

To reproduce the issue

  1. Create a record with shared db (By clicking the first button)
  2. Then move that record from shared db to separate db (By clicking the second button)

I have also created a separate module in the project. So it could resemble what i want to achieve in my real project. Thank you for the help.

Hello, thanks for the answers. I don't know about the 80-20 rule. You mean pareto principle? I already use the caching, my problem is about finding the limit of how much devices i can serve. If i can find it then i can plan it accordingly, by using clusters or with other solutions. In abp system, I have trouble understanding the cause, there are bunch of things going on the background for an http request which comes from middleware, by logging or opening a transactional unitofwork writing audit logs to database and etc. That's fine and i am not complaining about it. But it is difficult to read the errors as i show it on my past answer.

For ex i can not understand why abp is trying to get the Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement.Texts,k:Adzup:AbpExceptionHandling_en text from redis cache? redis-command = HMGET c:Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement.Texts,k:Adzup:AbpExceptionHandling_en

is this coming from after another exception or it is because it can not reach the redis server since it is bloated? Since this is kind of abstract discussion, I think i will move on and see with my new code how many problems i am gonna get.

I really appreciate the answers though, thank you.

and as a note, while i am creating a separate db from ui, i find out another thing. maybe this should be another ticket but i want to mention over here. look at the image below.

when you create new tenant if you are not using shared db and want to specify connection string for the module, it throws an exception as you can see in the image. Model validation is expecting extra parameters. This comes from the SaasModule.

If you create with shared db and edit the connection strings after the creation, it works.

Hello, I tried to create a sample app, at first as you say it works fine. here is the appservice that i have used.

 public async Task CreateForSeparateDb(Guid bookId, Guid tenantId)
     var book = await _bookRepository.GetAsync(bookId);
     var tenantBooks=new List<Book>();
     using (CurrentTenant.Change(tenantId))
         var tenantBook = new Book(GuidGenerator.Create(), book.Name + " Tenant", tenantId); //adding local event in book aggregate root.

         await _bookRepository.BulkInsertAsync(tenantBooks);
     await _bookRepository.DeleteAsync(book);
     await _localEventBus.PublishAsync(new BookDeletedEto()
         Id = book.Id,
         TenantId = null


Then when i go through my code, i realized that I am doing bulkinsert. I use ZEntityFramework Extensions nuget package. I named my method same as default abp repositories method (InsertManyAsync()) so i couldn't see it at first sight. Here is the code for my repository method.

        public async Task BulkInsertAsync(List<Book> books,CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            DbContext dbContext = (DbContext)(await GetDbContextAsync());
            books.ForEach(o => { o.CreationTime = _clock.Now; });
            await dbContext.BulkInsertAsync(books,
                cancellationToken: GetCancellationToken(cancellationToken),
                (operation) => operation.BatchSize = 1000);

so dbcontext is coming right

The behavior is kind of confusing here. when i bulk insert with current tenant equals null, local events are triggered. When I change the current tenant to separate db tenant, it doesn't trigger for the entity that i create but instead it triggers for the entity that is already in host db with tenantid null.

after insert what i got in event handler.

I couldn't understand from where abp is trying to find the local events. When i look at the code it seems like it is trying to get the changed entities, and getting the local events from that entity.

maybe ZEntityFramework Extensions is not marking the entities as modified but if it is like that why it works on currentTenant=null scenario?

I can send you the sample app that i have created if you want.

Hello, Thanks for the answer.

public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context) { Configure(options => { options.ContentContributors.RemoveAll(x => x == typeof(DatabaseTemplateContentContributor)); }); }

I only want to remove this option when I use the specific templates, for the other templates like emailing, i think i need this. I don't think there is an option for that right now?

To overcome the problem for now i am adding prefix to the name of the templates that I want to exclude, and added another template content contributor

public class MyVirtualFileTemplateContentContributor : VirtualFileTemplateContentContributor, ITransientDependency
    private readonly ILocalizedTemplateContentReaderFactory _localizedTemplateContentReaderFactory;

    public MyVirtualFileTemplateContentContributor(
        ILocalizedTemplateContentReaderFactory localizedTemplateContentReaderFactory) : base(
        _localizedTemplateContentReaderFactory = localizedTemplateContentReaderFactory;

    public override async Task<string> GetOrNullAsync(TemplateContentContributorContext context)
        if (!context.TemplateDefinition.Name.Contains(MyTemplateDefinitionProvider.TemplateGroup))
            return null;

        var localizedReader = await _localizedTemplateContentReaderFactory

        return localizedReader.GetContentOrNull(

so i fixed the problem in that way.

For the second question, I am not so sure about if it is a redis problem. I do not understand why redis should have a bottleneck with 2000 requests. Also I am not sure why the redis trying to get the value of AbpExceptionHandling_en from Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement.Texts

redis-command = HMGET c:Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement.Texts,k:Adzup:AbpExceptionHandling_en

With DatabaseTemplateContentContributor, the code will go through and tries to get the value with localization from the repository, so every request that hits the backend will try to go to db first

here you can see that the code will check the db and since it is a static store it will return null. And this has been tried with localization "en" and couldn't find it. Next try will be with null, and in that case the same thing will happen from dbcontributor, if you have en-En culture it will do 3 times

so it will look twice to database at least. In this process i was thinking if every request is creating 2 different connection to db it takes longer time to get the result or maybe sth else.Then it is triggering the redis overload cause it seems like when exception is happening Abp is trying to find some localization parameters from redis cache.

At the end of this story, I fixed my problem by not going to db or redis at all, with implementing ITemplateContributor. Still not sure how much clients can my app serve if there is a need to go to db for crud operations or just for querying purpose. Should i create redis cluster? should i do postgres sharding or just do load balancing? I am so confused.

Is there any benchmark that has been done with abp template for stress testing? I don't want to deploy the app and having surprises.

Since it is gonna be iot devices that will connect to server it can increase the load very much. I need to find the sweet spot for 1 instance so i can do the decisions for sharding and clusters. I am not expecting more than 10 000 devices inside the system. So i was expecting to handle that much load with 1 instance.

Hello, I have sent it to you.

And I still think that since it is an anonymous call, it shouldn't depend on "Current Tenant Id" while you are downloading the file. Cause you already have a token id to download the file.

Hello, Can you try to impersonate from the admin side for the tenant and try to download? I think that's the problem.

I have sent the email, i have also added docker compose file for postgres and redis. you can check it out if you want.

Hello, If you want, I can send you a sample app if you give me an email address ok here are the steps.

  1. Create the new project from abp cli abp new Doohlink -t app-pro -u angular -dbms PostgreSQL --separate-auth-server -m maui -csf

  2. Add Volo.FileManagement module (run the command inside aspnet-core folder) abp add-module Volo.FileManagement

  3. Arrange Postgres and Redis. Change appsettings.json according to that. (I use docker containers for that.)

  4. Run Dbmigrator.

  5. Run the Application (AuthServer and HttpApi.Host)

  6. do yarn install in angular app.

  7. Configure the angular app. Add Config Module and Feature Module.

  8. run angular app with yarn start

  9. now you should see file management menu item.

  10. upload an image.

  11. Then try to download that image.

  12. you will see an authentication error.

i hope this is enough information, as i say if you can not reproduce i can send you the sample app.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30