Activities of "cangunaydin"

Hello @liangshiwei As i understand (pls correct me if i am wrong), In microservice solution you don't use the user interface(or web layer) for microservices instead one web app that will unify whole views. And this web app(in EshopOnAbp,it is PublicWebApp) do the requests through gateway (WebPublicGateWay) by using reverse proxy.

So here is the question my project will stay monolith for a while and according to changes it might evolve to microservices in the future, while my modules are monolith where should i implement the user interface to create an order, and if this is going to be inside the module, what should i do to list the products?

Thank you for your patience and for your help a lot.

Hello again thank you for the answer.

What makes you think you have to be coupled to identity service for identity user? I would suggest digging more on Domain Driven Design to see how to handle these kind of coupling (using data duplication etc).

Actually i was talking about it from the administration microservice perspective, I was looking at the problem like "reduce the number of intersynched communications if it possible". So that was my intuition at the first place but i understand your point.

There is a great free-ebook Domain Driven Design with the ABP Framework i would suggest. And also Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans.

Thanks for the suggestions i have already read the Domain Driven Design book from Abp, i will check the Eric Evans's Book also.

Thanks for the assistance.

Hello again, I really understand now, also i read this doc from microsoft, which is not a good practice to do synced communications between microservices as they say

So this brings me another question Isn't there anyway to get users without being coupled to identity service. For ex first thing that comes to my mind is to make identityservice not being a seperate microservice and include it in administration service? But probably it is the most used service? Why did you choose to make it a seperate service if it is gonna be coupled to administration service? or how do i need to do decisions when i am seperating monolith project to microservices? Is there any guide or docs or any book to read to learn more about it?

I really appreciate your help, and thank you for answering my questions.

Allright i think it is more clear in my mind now, thank you for the answer.

So to summarize, you removed internal gateway because there was only one synched (http) communication which is between administration service and identity service.

All the permissions are defined in application contracts, so this brings us to the conclusion, whatever microservice that implements permission manager module needs to define every microservice application contracts module, so permission manager can do crud operations on the permissions?

And as the last thing if i want to create a communication for ex between productservice and saas service

  • I need to create productservice as a client in identity server give the scope as "saasservice"
  • configure productservice by changing appsettings.json in the project like sth similar that has been made in administration service config.

"AuthServer": { "Authority": "https://localhost:44322", "RequireHttpsMetadata": "true" }, "RemoteServices": { "AbpIdentity": { "BaseUrl": "https://localhost:44388/", "UseCurrentAccessToken": "false" } }, "IdentityClients": { "Default": { "GrantType": "client_credentials", "ClientId": "Adzup_AdministrationService", "ClientSecret": "1q2w3e*", "Authority": "https://localhost:44322", "Scope": "IdentityService" } },

  • And as the last step i need to have the "HttpApiClientModule" of the "saas microservice" in the "productservice module" and i don't need any contracts module since "HttpApiClientModule" also have a reference to the "Saas Contract Module" and this microservice doesn't manage permissions.

Further Questions:

  • So as i understand identityclients options are configured in AbpHttpClientIdentityModelWebModule but in the docs it has been used AbpHttpClientIdentityModelModule can you clarify the difference between 2?

  • Also if i am planning lots of communications between different microservices internally isn't the internal gateway with ocelot is better approach maybe it is not very efficient if one microservice needs to call another but overall can we say that if we have many communcations between our microservices isn't it better to configure an internal gateway instead of configuring all the microservices one by one? What i am asking is are you planning to replace back internal gateway with another solution than ocelot or is it gonna be gone for good?

Thank you so much for the help and assistance

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