Hi maliming! I send for you my domain information.
host : ticoplatform.com tenant: ticogroup.com
Hi mahmut.gundogdu!
Can you help me for this?Hi I am trying to produce.I have produced. In my senario, the backend did not resolve the tenant. So I am looking the issue. I will send the solution.
I'm looking forward to your response! Thank you verry much!
Hi mahmut.gundogdu! Can you help me for this?
Thanks liangshiwei!
Hi liangshiwei I created new question: https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5650/How-to-configure-tenant-resolver-in-order-to-determine-current-tenant-by-the-whole-domain
Can you help me on new question?
Thank liangshiwei!
Hi liangshiwei! I can configure multiple suffix and how to implement?
Oh! I will try it.