Activities of "enes.koroglu"

Hi @maliming

Any news about this problem?

Hi @alper my database is on the cloud and services are working on-premises so if there is too much round trip that may cause too much latency. And for 900 records 4.5 second is not also a good time. Is it possible to change fetching all records to fetching only current page records. And also could you please check if there is a loop for user or tenant info fetch?

Hi @gizem

Did you able to test?

Hi @alper did you try on your environment? Which indices you have on AbpLinkUsers or any related table? And why getting all records on a paged page, shouldn't it fetch 10 records for paged page?

Hi @liangshiwei

In above message your suggestion (below code) does not solve our problem. If we got any error on backgroudjob creation, process will be broken. If it's a UI call, user will get an error and business will be completed. As @ademaygun said there is no UI dashboard to manage and see background jobs for ABP's BackgroundJob system and in the documents ABP suggest us hangfire as an integrated solution. But ABP does not work with Hangfire properly. There would be same problem in EventBus but luckly ABP solves that problem with implementing inbox pattern. There could be same solution for background jobs.

Is it possible to discuss this problem with the team? This problem is really critical for us.

public async Task CreateAsync()
    using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: true))
        await productRepository.InsertAsync(new Product("Product1"));
        await uow.CompleteAsync();
    await backgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync(ProductJobArgs);

Hi liangshiwei,

Send an email

If you created isseu on github, can you please share issue link, to track status. Thank you

As you can see in the first message, there is no validation message on Password Reset screen (ui page). It only disables button, does not give any validation message.

Will you also include same validation messages on password reset screen?

If the error messages are not user friendly, you can customize them. The problem is not related with user friendly or not. As you can see in screen shot, one of the validation message is Turkish, and the other one is English. This is not a normal situation.

Also can you check these page is angular or mvc? We use resource owner flow password flow, so these pages are Angular.

Password rule settings:

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13