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Activities of "enisn"

Hi joe@tronactive.com

You marked as you're using blazor with a tiered solution. So, you have 3 different projects whiches are *.Blazor, *.HttpApi.Host and *.AuthServer.

All of them stands for a reason but users can only interact with Blazor and HttpApi.Host project. So, you can update package.json file in those project folders.

By the way, please don't add direct reference to those files, just use resolution parameter of package.json

If you don't have an idea for it, here is an easy usage: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions/#toc-how-to-use-it

Currently, it's not possible because of the design of the module. But you can remove the first one and add latest one and manage the first one manually.

We'll think on this scenario and consider to change the design of Gateway Plans.


You can place your favicon in the same directory with wwwroot/images/favicon/logo-favicon_1.svg .

The default favicon extension is svg so, placing a png instead, won't work as expected. You should use the same extension if you want to override same file.

Hi, unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce the issue with the latest CLI and latest project template version.

Did you set-up your development environment according to do Documentation?

Which dotnet SDK version are you currently using?

there is no horizontal scroll at the moment in the bottom menu currently. It's by design. You can override the component and add horizontal scroll by yourself but unfortunately there is no option for that in the theme

Sorry, I couldn't reproduce the same issue.

Can you share your project files to support@abp.io?

If you share how you override the component, can you share the code? ıt seems some of styles are missing in the screenshot

Can you provide abp related sample? How it supposed to work with abp commercial payments?

Hello again,

A complete example might have some conjecture but you can try the following configuration in your Domain layer:

    (options, currentTenant) =>
        if (currentTenant.Name == "Tenant A")
            options.SecretKey = "SECRET_KEY_FOR_TENANT_A";
            options.PublishableKey = "PUBLISHABLE_KEY_FOR_TENANT_A";
        else if (currentTenant.Name == "Tenant B")
            options.SecretKey = "SECRET_KEY_FOR_TENANT_B";
            options.PublishableKey = "PUBLISHABLE_KEY_FOR_TENANT_B";

            options.SecretKey = "SECRET_KEY_FOR_REST_OF";
            options.PublishableKey = "PUBLISHABLE_KEY_FOR_REST_OF";

Ok it's a verified bug on Blazor UI. So your credit is refunded. We fixed it and it'll be released in the very next patch release of LeptonX 1.0.x.

I'm sharing a workaround until release:

  • Create a MyGeneralSettings.razor file in somewhere in you Blazor application. Name of file isn't important, you can choose whatever you want

  • Fill the file content with following code:

@using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
@using System.Globalization;
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.Common;
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Navigation;
@using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection
@using Volo.Abp.LeptonX.Shared.Localization;

@inherits GeneralSettings
@attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(GeneralSettings))]
@attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]

@inject IStringLocalizerFactory LocalizerFactory
@inject IStringLocalizer<LeptonXResource> L
@inject ILanguagePlatformManager LanguagePlatformManager

<div class="lpx-settings" id="lpx-settings">

	@if (HasMultipleStyles)
		<div id="appearance" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="appearance"
			<div class="setting">
				<i class="bi bi-laptop-fill"></i>

	@if (HasContainerWidth)
		<div id="containerWidth" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="containerWidth"
			<div class="setting">
				<i class="bi bi-layout-three-columns"></i>

	<div id="language" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="language"
		<div class="setting">

	<div class="setting-icon">
		<i class="bi bi-gear-wide-connected" aria-hidden="true" data-lpx-ctx-toggle="settings-context-menu"></i>
	<div class="lpx-context-menu" data-lpx-context-menu="settings-context-menu">
		<ul class="lpx-nav-menu" id="settings-routes">
			<li class="outer-menu-item">
				<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item">
					<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
						<i class="lpx-icon outer-icon bi bi-gear-wide-connected" aria-hidden="true"></i>
					<span class="lpx-menu-item-text">@L["GeneralSettings"]</span>
					<span data-lpx-close="settings-context-menu">
						<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-x outer-icon dd-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>

			@if (HasMultipleStyles)
				<li class="outer-menu-item">
					<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="appearance">
						<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
							<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-palette-fill" aria-hidden="true"></i>

						<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["Appearance"]</span>

						<i class="dd-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger lpx-caret bi-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>

					<ul class="lpx-inner-menu hidden-in-hover-trigger collapsed" data-id="appearance">
						@foreach (var style in ThemeOptions.Value.Styles)
							<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item">
								<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting="@style.Key">
									<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
										<i class="lpx-icon @style.Value.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>

									<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@style.Value.DisplayName.Localize(LocalizerFactory).Value</span>
			@if (HasContainerWidth)
				<li class="outer-menu-item">
					<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="containerWidth">
						<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
							<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-aspect-ratio" aria-hidden="true"></i>

						<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth"]</span>

						<i class="dd-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger lpx-caret bi-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>

					<ul class="lpx-inner-menu hidden-in-hover-trigger collapsed" data-id="containerWidth">
						<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item">
							<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting="boxed">
								<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
									<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-square"

								<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth:Boxed"]</span>

						<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item">
							<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item selected" data-lpx-setting="full">
								<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon">
									<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-layout-three-columns" aria-hidden="true"></i>

								<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth:FullWidth"]</span>

			<li class="outer-menu-item">
				<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="language">
					<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"><i class="lpx-icon bi bi-globe" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

					<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["Language"]</span>

					<i class="dd-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger lpx-caret bi-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>

				<ul class="lpx-inner-menu hidden-in-hover-trigger collapsed" data-id="language">
					@if (HasLanguages)
						@foreach (var language in Languages)
							<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item">
								<a class="lpx-menu-item-link@(language.CultureName == CurrentLanguage.CultureName ? " selected" : string.Empty)"
								@onclick="() => LanguagePlatformManager.ChangeAsync(language)">
									<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">
										@language.DisplayName / @(new

You can place the css code into both wwwroot/global-styles.css and blazor-global-styles.css files at the same time. On the blazor-server you need to override both blazor & razor pages

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 26, 2024, 12:49