Activities of "enisn"

Yes, it's an MVC Tiered solution, however your suggestion did not resolve the issue. Can you please explain how the payment application service can be called directly from the web projects code?

What I find a little odd is in you Volo.Payment.Application source you have 3 App Services defined for the Payment Module as shown below. However in the Volo.Payment.HttpAPI source there is a Gateway and Plan controller that essentially call the application services as shown above but you don't have a 'PaymentRequestController' in the HttpAPI project as shown below.

Why is that?

Hi @Spospisil Payment operations are done by directly Web project for some security reasons. But in that case, you're right. It seems PaymentRequestController is missing. If we provide endpoints for that AppService, there will be a security problem. Because all complete or endpoints that perform update operations on PaymentReuqest will be accessible publicly. We'll

work on this in the next version.

Also your credit is refunded

If you place a select something like this:

you can initialize from js like this:

It's a good example from the CmsKit Blog selection

You need to replace XXX.Application and XXX.EntityFrameworkCore packages with XXX.HttpApi.Client package for each module in Blazor.Server.Host project

Also, you need to remove your Kuys.Module.EmployeeManagement.Application and Kuys.Module.EmployeeManagement.EntityFrameworkCore project references from your Blazor.Server.Host project and add Kuys.Module.EmployeeManagement.HttpApi.Client project reference to it.

After those changes make sure your AuthServer and RemoteServices configurations are made properly.

You can create a tiered project with following command and compare configuration.

abp new MyTieredBlazorApp --tiered -u blazor-server

Ok, got it. You need a tiered solution for Blazor-Server right?

Yes, webhooks are handled in HttpApi package. You need to configure WebHookSecret in StripeOptions for the project which includes that HttpApi package.

If you complete this step for configuring webhooks, it'll update the status of PaymentRequest entities according to webhook feeds.

I think problem occurs following check from source code of Payment Module:

public class StripePaymentGateway : IPaymentGateway, ITransientDependency
    public bool IsValid(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, Dictionary<string, object> properties)
        var sessionId = properties["SessionId"]?.ToString();
        if (sessionId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
            throw new Exception("Empty SessionId.");

        var sessionService = new SessionService();
        var session = sessionService.Get(sessionId);

        if (!session.PaymentStatus.Equals("paid", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            throw new Exception("Session not paid.");

        return session.Metadata["PaymentRequestId"] == paymentRequest.Id.ToString();

Can you check if session.Metadata["PaymentRequestId"] is set or not?

Hi @murat.yuceer

Firstly, can you share steps to reproduce that error you faced?

How can I say to suite, create module project but blazor server host should be work like web assembly(not unified)

Doesn't the following command with ABP CLI solve your problem at the moment?

abp new Module2376 -t module

And those projects below you should run for test.

  • Blazor.Host
  • HttpApi.Host
  • IdentityServer

You can remove all UI projects except Blazor & Blazor WebAssembly.

So at that exception:

"System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'PaymentRequestId' was not present in the dictionary."

Can you see a file path and line number? I need entire exception stacktrace right now because your usage looks it is right

Hi @marketbus

Actually, I do not really care about the other Gateways. I intend on only using Stripe. Can you provide an example of how this will be done to integrate it with ABP?

Otherwise, I will have to write out my own Stripe integration.

At a high level, It would seem that I would use IPaymentRequestAppService to create a PaymentRequest. Map the PaymentRequest to a Stripe LineItems Object. Create a session using the Session Service. Then pass that SessionId to IPaymentRequestAppService's CompleteAsync method.

One of the main reasons why I signed up for the Commercial version of ABP, is actually because of the payments module. I am a sole developer, it's not really worth it to upgrade to one of your higher plans that include the complete source code. The payment's module without proper Blazor support seems incomplete.

Main point of Payment module is supporting more than one provider at the same time and let use to choose payment method. It's all about abstraction and yes you have to create a PaymentRequest and then that PaymentRequest must be paid.

I'm sorry about if the module doesn't meet your requirements. We'll work on according your feedbacks, thanks.

I basically followed the method that I mentioned above, and everything works, however, when I try to complete the transaction by calling CompleteAsync on the PaymentRequestAppService it throws an exception

"System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'PaymentRequestId' was not present in the dictionary."

I am able to verify that the transaction has been completed in the stripe dashboard, however, I would like it to be updated on the admin page as well.

If you please share code blocks where IPaymentRequestAppService is used. So I can understand the exception and find a solution.

Hi @thedatacrew Unfortunately, there is no best way that I recommend to you.

There is a lot of factors that affect while deciding mono-repo or multi-repo. For example, the most important one is your team. How do you develop software? Which services will have a dedicated team? There is a lot of questions, and source-control usage defines how you do that job in your way.

But I can highly recommend comparing the pros & cons between mono-repository and mono-repository.



  • Lowers Barriers of Entry (onboarding new developers is easy)
  • Centrally Located Code Management
  • Painless Application-Wide Refactorings
  • More Difficult To Break Adjacent Functionality
  • Teams Share Development Culture


  • Slower Development Cycles
  • Requires Download of Entire Codebase
  • Unmodified Libraries May Be Newly Versioned
  • Forking Is More Difficult



  • Independent Library Versioning
  • Independent Service Releases
  • Helps Define Access Control Across the Organization
  • Allows Teams To Work Autonomously


  • Libraries Must Constantly Be Resynced
  • May Fragment Teams

Disclaimer: I've just summarized some of the topics from You can read more about it.

In a summary, I can't say exactly the right thing because there is no single correct answer. Mostly your development cycle and culture define it.

Showing 381 to 390 of 489 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30