Activities of "fernando.guilherme"


I created one of them and the others were created automatically. What are these two automatically created for?

Abp will have some built-in jobs, which is what you see.

I would also like to know if I created the classes related to Jobs in the correct places?

You can define and implement it in domain(domain.shared). Of course, it is not wrong in the application layer.

3-) The AbpBackgroundJobs table what is this table for and how does it work to fill it in and what is its purpose?

You don't need to care about it. abp framework will use it.


I would still like to know what the first 2 processes and the second automatically created by ABP are for. If possible, how do I disable them?


I created one of them and the others were created automatically. What are these two automatically created for?

Abp will have some built-in jobs, which is what you see.

I would also like to know if I created the classes related to Jobs in the correct places?

You can define and implement it in domain(domain.shared). Of course, it is not wrong in the application layer.

3-) The AbpBackgroundJobs table what is this table for and how does it work to fill it in and what is its purpose?

You don't need to care about it. abp framework will use it.

Can I open the hangfire dashboard in angular?


Please check here'XXXXX'

please do let me know if this helps you,

Thank you, Anjali


So, I'm not publishing.. I'm running locally. This client of ours will provide maintenance on this project that we are doing based on ABP.


Let's use the users screen as an example.

In the default-users-entity-props.ts class I set the following surname property to visible false when tenant.

{ type: ePropType.String, name: 'surname', displayName: 'AbpIdentity::Surname', sortable: true, columnWidth: 250, visible: data => Boolean(!data.record.tenantId), }

In the Html of the extensible-table, where I displayed the column name I put a *ngIf="prop.visible"

<ng-container ngFor="let prop of propList; let i = index; trackBy: trackByFn"> <ngx-datatable-column [width]="columnWidths[i + 1] || 200" [name]="prop.displayName | abpLocalization" [prop]="" [sortable]="prop.sortable" ngIf="prop.visible">

   &lt;ng-template let-row=&quot;row&quot; let-i=&quot;index&quot; ngx-datatable-cell-template&gt;
     &lt;ng-container *abpPermission=&quot;prop.permission; runChangeDetection: false&quot;&gt;
       &lt;ng-container *ngIf=&quot;row[&#39;_&#39; +]?.visible&quot;&gt;
         &lt;div *ngIf=&quot;!row[&#39;_&#39; +].component; else component&quot;
           [innerHTML]=&quot;row[&#39;_&#39; +]?.value | async&quot;
           (click)=&quot;prop.action &amp;&amp; prop.action({ getInjected: getInjected, record: row, index: i })&quot;
       &lt;ng-template #component&gt;
         &lt;ng-container *ngComponentOutlet=&quot;row[&#39;_&#39; +].component; injector: row[&#39;_&#39; +].injector&quot;&gt;


If you set the value of prop.visible to print, you will notice that it is returning like this: _ => true instead of true and when it is false, print all the code that is inside the visible


Did I start getting this error:

Azure Web Sites environment detected. Using 'C:\home\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys' as key repository; keys will not be encrypted at rest. [12:54:38 INF] Saving external localizations... [12:54:39 INF] Initialized all ABP modules. [12:54:39 INF] Initializing UI Database [12:54:43 ERR] ABP-LIC-ERROR - License check failed for 'Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Pro.EntityFrameworkCore-v7.2.3.0'. You need to log in using the command abp login <username>. For more information, contact to

I need to use Development environment in development environment in azure appservices.

How to make?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13