Activities of "gterdem"

Thank you.

If uploading the .pfx file is not working for Azure, we'll try to update the template after we release the Azure Deployment docs.

Currently ICmsKitDbContext seems to be missing some of the DbSets. I have created an internal issue about this and it will be fixed in the next release.

Merhaba, sorununuz düzelmişti sanırım. Bu soruyu kapatabilir, yeni veya farklı soru için yeni issue açabilirsiniz.

Did you check ?

Can you share the audit configuration for your entity?

I couldn't understand your scenario clearly.

  • You are using microservice template and you are developing modular UI (where you build the UI inside the microservice and the back-office or the public-web application is using project/package reference to it). Is it correct or are you completely using a custom approach?

Issue 1: When we deploy the system with Microservice mode, the main site (MainUI) integrates basic business function modules like Identity UI, Admin UI from ABP commercial microservice. We add our bussiness module like Order UI, EShop UI into one solution, the system can work properly in production environment. But the customer change their request frequently, mainly in blazor UI part, each release we should restart the host service . it will impact other working service.

As far as I understand, you are hosting multiple UIs in a single BlazorServer Host (called MainUI). But whenever a dependend module is changed, you need to reboot the main UI to reflect the changes.

There is not much thing to do in here. That is an effect of running combined UIs in a single host. You need to go for micro-frontend approach that hosts the UIs individually so they can be hosted separately and independently. Unfortunatelly ABP doesn't have an infrastructure for micro-frontends.

Seems like you are hosting the angular application on HTTPS but it has configuration for AuthServer with HTTP, that's why it is trying to make a request from HTTPS to HTTP.

You can also share a test user name and password to with your application link so I can check further.

I am guessing the PermissionManagement module is located under your Admin Module. You can add the Application.Contracts layers reference to the Admin module. That should make PermissionManagement to find those permissions.

If you are using non-tiered mvc application, which is not using jwt for authentication; you can use session just fine. Sticky session is related to your load balancer configuration and ABP does not add any configuration related to it. You need to add that configuration manually like any .net application behind a load balancer. The problem seems to be related to your sticky session configuration.

However if you use tiered application, it will be using jwt and you'll have to use redis and data protection for consistency between replicated pods.

I don't think I can replicate your environment. You can share detailed error messages for better diagnose to see if we can help further.

Can you explain your deployment scenario in more details? You have a tiered application containing AuthServer, MVC app and API.Host.

  • Is it a local staging environment k8s cluster or production environment?
  • Are you running all of them on the same k8s network?
  • Where is the load-balancer located? Is there other load balancers between MVC app and APIs? Is there specific load balancer configurations for it?

Related to did you configure all of the applications (AuthServer, MVC app and the API.Host) with data-protection?:

var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration["Redis:Configuration"]);
dataProtectionBuilder.PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "MyApp-Protection-Keys");

Can you diagnose the error from getting the access_token to sent API as bearer token?

It may be related to HTTPS headers not being forwarded.

If that's the case, you can try adding forwarded headers configuration to your AuthServer module ConfigureServices:

context.Services.Configure<ForwardedHeadersOptions>(options =>
    options.ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor |
                               ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto |

and add:

public override void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    var app = context.GetApplicationBuilder();
    var env = context.GetEnvironment();
    app.UseForwardedHeaders(); // Before any HTTPS redirection midware


We have .env file explanation where it is used for paypal information at but maybe we should make it more clear.

I've created internal issue about documenting the k8s deployment especially the differences between individual helm chart deployment and the whole application deployment.

Thank you for your feedback!

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30