Activities of "gterdem"

And if I would need to execute these ef commands manually in some scenarios, this situation seriously reduces the benefit/usefulness of DbMigrator application. As you may guess reverting a migration is almost always a requirement.

No no no. reverting a migration is almost always a requirement. this is not a correct approach. Why would you alter the Migration History? What happens when some systems already have the applied version and you present a new altered migration history to update? Since you mentioned the CI/CD pipeline, why would operation delete the migration history of an application? It is not related to the application environment at all. Furthermore, how can you version your application if you keep removing migration history?

It is like it is named; migration history and it should be a part of your application life cycle. I am guessing it doesn't look or seem aesthetic (like DB table column order) so you keep removing migration history and re-creating a single one. This is against the very nature of code first application development.

So I think, it would be great if DbMigrator have some parameter <migration-name> and made the same reverting. Is there any roadmap to support such functionality?

No, because it is not DbMigrator's job description to add/remove migrations since it is directly related to Microsoft Entity Framework. Furthermore, it is used for NoSQL databases as well.

The development environment may have similar problems since tiered applications use the same localhost for domain and shared cookies that cause errors. Because when you stop running your application without logging out, session cookies on localhost are not cleared and sometimes needs to be manually removed. It is not something we can fix because:

  • .Net applications set .AspNetCore cookies
  • IdentityServer sets shared idsrv.session cookie
  • Microsoft Identity sets identity.Application cookie
  • Microsoft Identity sets identity.External cookie when logged in to 3rd party

However, deployment is a whole different scenario. You may be using sub domains sharing session cookies may be causing this. If the solution I mentioned at this answer and you mention this problem only occurs on IIS, I suggest asking on also StackOverflow since this can be directly related to IIS. It can be version related or some different configuration which is out of my scope unfortunately.


Well, we can discuss it.

If you would filter the count like getting a list, why make another DB request to get the count instead of getting the count of the list that you already got.

Lets consider the application service:

public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<SaasTenantDto>> GetListAsync(GetTenantsInput input)
        var count = await TenantRepository.GetCountAsync(input.Filter, input.EditionId);
        var tenantList = await TenantRepository.GetListAsync(
            includeDetails: true,
        return new PagedResultDto<SaasTenantDto>(

Generally, application services return a PagedResultDto to allow pagination. If you require the count of filtered data, you can always get the count of the tenantList.

You can argue that the GetCountAsync repository method can be used in domain services for some business-related logic for performance but It can be wrongly used and It will be a breaking change.

I would suggest overriding this method for your business needs is better than trying to figure out why the count is wrong while finding out a junior developer passes the same parameters to GetCountAsync method as in GetListAsync method :)

Did you deploy your application? Or you are getting this error on the localhost dev/sta environment?

Sorry, I don't follow.

You are logged in to some angular application ( but after some inactive time, your access token expired and when you tried to interact again, you are redirected to the authentication server (i assume is so).

We are expecting if user is not using the app for long time and ABP framework allow user to login again then user should be redirect to angular app index page instead of identity login page.

I couldn't understand your intention. Do you expect users shouldn't be required to log in again?

DbMigrator applies pending migrations and seeds data. It doesn't accept or use any parameter to roll back to the previous migration and remove the latest migration.

If migration is already applied, you need to manually roll back to your desired migration:

dotnet ef database update <migration-name-you-want-to-rollback>

and remove the migration afterward:

dotnet ef migrations remove

You can use AbpAuditLogging connection string for separate audit logging in appsettings like:

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "Default": "Server=localhost;Database=ApplicationDb;Trusted_Connection=True;",
  "AbpAuditLogging": "Server=localhost;Database=AuditLoggingDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"

Share your openid configuration located in the PublicWebsiteModule please.

All the cookies are generated for localhost for each session. When you are authenticated to 3rd party, you are already authenticated to Identity.External too.

You can try to increasing max request size on IIS like:

        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="2097151" />

Sorry, I couldn't understand your question.

Are you asking that you have a TaxOfficeNotMatchException business exception that is logged correctly but why do you get a generic error modal and not a detailed error modal?

If that is the case, you need to catch the business exception and throw a UserFriendlyException.

Although, If I have misunderstood, can you explain more of your intention?

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