Activities of "gterdem"

as usual useless answer from gterdem.

I am sorry if you are disappointed with my answer. Also i was not aware that I usually give useless answers. I was trying to point out the efficient ways to solve these kind of generic questions for you and for other users that may have the same issue with you in the near future.

However, being toxic is never good and never result with expected good result in any branch of any job. Toxic behaviour magnets other toxic people that can de-motivate you more then you think. Think about colleague stressing you with questions like
"How do you get paid if you need to ask this kind of question?", "At least don't write it down so that people shouldn't know the degree of your ignorance" or other non-constructive, negative and useless comments. That wouldn't be a healthy workplace nor a nice time to spend on. This may not make any sense to you right now but probably it will, after 5-10 years.

That being said, we answered tens maybe hundreds of unrelated questions in support when asked properly as something like "Ok, I know this seems related with EfCore since i checked google but can you help me about ..."

please assign the ticket to someone else.

I am not sure how insulting will motivate a co-worker to help you about an unrelated 3rd party question.

Sorry, I can not make remote session.

Please explain your issue in details with related code pieces. If it is not related with main question which was created 5 months ago, please create a new one.

This is not related with Abp. It is about about EfCore tracking db context trying to update related entities over parent entity.

Please check StackOverflow for similar existing questions.

Do you use alpine version of redis? If so, can you try non-alpine version?

The tenant you are trying to seed admin info may not exist at all. Can you check (log/debug etc) that the tenant is created with the given tenant db connection string?

[ERR] Invalid object name 'AbpUsers'.

Seems like db is not created at all. Can you check the tenantdb connection string?

These are information logs about lack of permissions.

Can you search for [ERR] and share related errors?

Paste the log lines related with error to this post please.

Can you try rebuilding solution after deleting bin/obj folders?

I have tried with clean nuget cache/bin/obj/sdks/run times everythings related to a .net project. Can you login? The type 'vAnOhd8kBREcGO1P7Oo.vERgfT88EFtV78GBxyV' is not a valid page. A page must define a public, non-static 'Model' property. I got this error with same vAnOhd8kBREcGO1P7Oo.vERgfT88EFtV78GBxyV with fresh app-pro tired identityServer

I have reproduced this when trying to reach Account/Login page on both tiered and non-tiered app-pro app. This seems a problem related with Account Web module.

We'll investigate. Thanks for reporting! I will refund your question.

I couldn't reproduce the problem.

I created a test microservice application using cli

Used dotnet build /graphBuild. Completed without any error. Can you try rebuilding solution after deleting bin/obj folders?

Then you are looking to wrong database. There is supposed to be an already record for that client with https://localhost:44337/swagger/oauth2-redirect.html data.

Check your database connection string.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30