Activities of "hakan.uskaner"

Yes here is one issue. I did follow your document "Add a new microservice to solution". I can reach my added new Service per Swagger on localhost port 44472. Thats site works.

But i get an error on both gateways if i try to select my new service, that it failed to fetch due Cors Origin:

Fetch error Failed to fetch https://localhost:44472/swagger/v1/swagger.json

Fetch error Possible cross-origin (CORS) issue? The URL origin (https://localhost:44472) does not match the page (https://localhost:44325). Check the server returns the correct 'Access-Control-Allow-*' headers.

I did double check the product service and compared with my new services. But i didn't find any differences so far.

  • Your document doesn't seem to be updated to 5.3.. There is no internal gateway, and the other gateways do not rely anymore on a project reference for the HttpApi Projects. I did update ocelot.json, the specific Module.cs, but still get the error.

  • Your document "Change Microservice project to use MongoDB Provider" changes everything to mongo. But i would only add one additional service with mongo. There is a difference , that both Migrations and Checker must work at same time.. and the document doesn't describe that clearly. I did look at eshoponabp and it a looks a bit different.

What can i do for the gateways to acceppt my new service `??

Maybe you could share a complete microservice-template-pro example based on mongdb with me.?

I was able to fix it my own by follwing these steps:

  • i did stop all docker container and removed alle volumes: docker volume prune -f
  • i uninstalled abp-cli and suite
  • i did remvoe the .abp folder from %userprofie%
  • i did remove within the .nuget folder from %userprofile% all Volo Packages
  • i reinstalled abp-cli and suite
  • i generated a new microservice-template like above

I am not sure what was the right step.. but now it works. please refund that credit

I know that a pro template is not a microservice. But i want to move the relevant parts from pro template solution to a new microservice .. Thats why asked for a guide.. I think its a valid option for moving towards a microservice solution

  • Add Parameter for Microservice to specify mongodb as dbms

  • Make it possible to change dbms after creation of solution . p.E from sql to postgres or mongo

  • Add Document howto add a standard template pro project into a microservice solution as service

Hi @gterdem, any plans when this will be available or at least on your roadmap ?

It would be great if you would implement that hopefully in near future.

I can work with the current microservice-template and infos from eshoponabp, but its still a valid business case. In production enviroments you could use multiple db providers, but you dont need to. For our purpose we did not find any issues or performance problems in using one db provider like cosmosdb. We did start with entity Framework, did some testing and switched to mongodb after that. Also you could use for all an other provider like postgres sql.. So from my point of view it would be great if you could add that parameter for the microservice template. I know this will take time..

Meanwhile you could update your document for switching the microservice-template to mongodb ab v5.2.


i know eshopOnAbp.. the question is if there is a reason, why the abp cli doesn't support the - db mongodb parameter with the microservice template ?

Hi Maliming,

i did rethink my problem and found a good solution:

Other Applicationservices only need the Download Method, so i setup an ApplicationService as you suggested with IRemoteStreamContent . From Blazor-Client Side its not a problem, because they directly use the ApiController..

So i moved only the Download Part from ApiController to ApplicationService like this:

public class FileManagerAppService : ApplicationService , IFileManagerAppService
        public PhysicalFileProvider operation;
        public string basePath;
        public string fullPath;
        public string uploadPath;
        public string workPath;
        public string installPath;
        public string root = "FileManagement";
        public FileManagerAppService()
            basePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            fullPath = Path.Combine(basePath, root);
            uploadPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "Uploads");
            workPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "Work");
            installPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "Install");
            operation = new PhysicalFileProvider();
            operation.RootFolder(fullPath); // Data\Files denotes in which files and folders are available.
        public async Task<IRemoteStreamContent> Download(string downloadInput)
            //Invoking download operation with the required paramaters
            // path - Current path where the file is downloaded; Names - Files to be downloaded;

            FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput);
            if (args.Path.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Error during Download. Parameter downloadInput doesn't contain a valid Path.");
            var downStream = operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names);

            // wait max 60s (for zipping files)
            WaitforStream(downStream, 60);

            // set download name to id, if more then one file is downloaded
            if (downStream.FileDownloadName == "")
                downStream.FileDownloadName = args.Path.Split("/")[2] + ".zip";

            return new RemoteStreamContent(downStream.FileStream) { ContentType = "application/octet-stream", FileName = downStream.FileDownloadName };     

        public async Task CreateFileAsync(CreateFileInput input)
            using (var fs = new FileStream("C:\\Temp\\" + input.Content.FileName, FileMode.Create))
                await input.Content.GetStream().CopyToAsync(fs);
                await fs.FlushAsync();

        private static bool WaitforStream(FileStreamResult fs, int timeout)//* in sec
            var time = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            while (time.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeout * 1000)
                    if (fs?.FileStream?.Length > 0)
                        return true;
                catch (IOException)
                    return false;
            throw new UserFriendlyException("Failed perform action: download within allowed time.");


In my other ApplicationSertvice where i perform other requires operation, i can then call it like that:

 public virtual async Task Download(Guid id)
            .... perform other action
             // Generate  downloadInput for Syncfusion
            var downloadInput = JsonSerializer.Serialize(
                new DownloadInfo()
                    Path =  ... ,
                    Names = ....Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()
            await _fileManagerAppService.CreateFileAsync(new CreateFileInput()
                Content = await _fileManagerAppService.Download(downloadInput)

Maliming, i thank you for your hints and good scrrenshots.. The were very helpful. !!

I did test my workaround.. If i call from swagger and hit directly the webapi for download it works. But if i try to access it via Applicationservice from other Applicationservice it doesn't work, because the apicontroller isn't called (whats the correct behaviour). So my workaround doesn't work.

I would like to specify more detailed, where i see the problem here:

The ApiController performes some actions, and also manipulate HttpRequest and HttpResponse for example if i upload a file and add custom data from clientside to the request header, i would get it in the controller like :

        public async Task Save(IList<IFormFile> chunkFile, IList<IFormFile> UploadFiles)

            var data = Request.Form["path"];  <<----- here
            var path = data.ToString().Replace("/", "\\");

I did check your links. Yes i could implement the needed return type in the controller method. But that still doesn't solve my problem. I can't move the complete logic to the application layer (because it depends on api request,response etc.) and i also can't generate an application service for it to make it accessable for other applicationservices ? I still get not the advantage of RemoteStreamContent.

I would like to make that working api call accessable through application service. To be more concret, how can i achieve this, when some logic is always neccesary at apiController level.

Please let me know how you would really solve this, pleae do not only post a link like. I need a concret pattern.

The code above again calls from an apicontroller the applicationservice. Also IRemoteStreamContent is System.IO.Stream and i get FileResultStream. And casting and bufferings in same app from different controller doesn't seam right.

My Controller works fine when used in swagger, but isn't accessible in application service.

I found a possible workaround:

  public virtual async Task<IActionResult> Download(string downloadInput)
            // only dummy
            return new ContentResult();

        public virtual async Task<IActionResult> Upload(string path, IList<IFormFile> uploadFiles, string action)
           // only dummy
            return new ContentResult();

I created the functions as dummy at applicationlevel. In fact they will never be called, because at apicontroller level, we wont call them.. But for other apllicationservices this should work, because of same method pattern

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