Activities of "hinairusu"

I'm not even able to reach the Prepayment page myself, in either Test or Prod - it doesn't redirect at all.

Hi Team!

Any Update on this?

To clarify, in case it isnt clear at this point.

I have one prodduct I am handing in, which is not a subscription, for which I am expecting to see both the stripe and paypal payment gateways. I am not seeing either.

I have one product which I am handing in, which is a subscription, which is not redirecting me to stripe correctly to process the payment.

If I use the code listed above, I can register a hit against the stripe API, but it is not redirecting to the payment page in the response (it doesn't even seem to be getting the response!).

❓What are your problems with ABP Support?

  • Some of the issues I have experienced over the years have been the following
    • Support team not reading the complete details of the ticket and ask for information that has already been given and responses are sometimes a day or two later which causes projects to start to have issues.

    • Time delay for those of us who are in the USA. In order to do screen sharing it must be late in the evening.

💡Please suggest your ideas on how we can improve them.

  • Offer support hours to help cover the USA timezones (at least EST and CST timezones)
  • Offer priority support packages for enterprise customers that allow faster response times and escalations
  • Tell your customers what information you need (logs...etc) to help give you all the details you need to resolve an issue

I'd like to highlight this again, as it was raised months ago as feedback for yourselves. I have a ticket that's outstanding for over 9 days now, with no update or information. I've been providing more information myself unprompted as I have no idea what you need to resolve my issues.

Could I get an update on this please?

7.4.0 is released now, you can update to it and it's marked as stable. They haven't updated the documentation for it yet - it's quite common.

New Update.

if I go to the log in Stripe and grab the pay URL manually to test what happens if it did somehow load: Then I can pay and it redirects to the return URL, which I can catch on my side without too much issue. But, I can't process the complete from it, as the CompleteAsync takes a dictionary of <string,string> and I have no idea what should be going in those.

Further, I get this: Showing that the webhook endpoint isn't actually catching the response from Stripe when I do actually post.

This is the http.api log output for the request I'm making:

Code for the calls: (this snip was from my test domain where I tried it externally visible incase it's a routing issue. Localhost I'm testing using the stripe CLI to intercept the responses - No difference in result between the two.) The second call is hitting the stripe API, the first is not. And still no redirect to pay.

Okay, so after updating to 7.4.0 and a lot of messing around, I can get it to hit the stripe API. But It uses none of the methods you have provided in your documentation. I can hit the API if I call var foobar = new PaymentRequestStartDto() { CancelUrl = "", PaymentRequestId = paymentRequest.Id, ReturnUrl = "" + paymentRequest.Id }; _paymentRequestAppService.StartAsync("Stripe", foobar);

which will give me a

I still do not get the choice of payment gateways for my single option, and nothing redirects to the payment page. According to the stripe logs, I should be getting a JSON back with a checkout URL, but that's not hitting my system at all.

if I do not call the StartAsync() method, it does not hit stripe.


Why is Paypal not listed as an option. Subscription logic supports only Stripe for now. So, this payment plans are for subscription logic. If you configured your Secret Keys in appsettings.json you can make payments on your application by following Creating One-Time Payment documentation.

Why is it not letting me set a second Gateway Plan

It seems the error doesn't explain well, We'll update the error. But the reason is, you can add gateway plan per a gateway, you can't add 2 different plan from a gateway. Otherwise the subscription logic can't know which one is used while getting paid.

According to the docs, I set up a subscription by handing in a GUID to the PlanId property on PaymentRequestProductCreateDto. How exactly do I get this GUID code side, when the plans are not hard coded? (Your sample lists DemoAppData.Plan_2_Id, which seems to come from nowhere)

You should get a PaymentPlanId from the database and pass it as parameter, it'll automatically use the ExternalSubscriptionId from it. So the External Subscription Id should be a Price Id or Product Id from Stripe

Using that logic, I replaced my payment with the following: PaymentRequest.Products.Add(new PaymentRequestProductCreateDto() { Code = "OneTimePayment", Name = "Test Payment", Count = 1, UnitPrice = float.Parse(OneTimePrice.ToString()), TotalPrice = float.Parse(OneTimePrice.ToString()) });

So it should then allow for other gateways as it is no longer a subscription. I am expecting to see this page: However that does not appear, I have no option of selecting my payment gateway, and the status is hung on waiting. The page also isn't redirecting anywhere, but I suspect thats because its not hitting the above payment gateway.

If the idea is you set up one gateway plan per gateway, why is your UI a list for more to be included. That seems really poor design as that isn't clear at all.

Fetching the ID from the DB I can do (as soon as I figure out what the correct call to fetch that is and what permissions I have to give to my users to be able to access it). I'll go test that side now and update this once I have more there,

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13