Activities of "hinairusu"

Thank you, I'll update the JSON and see if that resolves the issue!

@Alper, The first thought I had was to try and remove and re-add the project, hence the date is so far apart - it was initially added alongside the product and identity service etc.

I've split them out as requested.

Hi Navneet,

Thank you for posting this, it's helped me with an issue I have as well. For the broken Icons, I found if you goto the Default.cshtml and edit the lines near the bottom (and beware the horrible formatting of this editor):

				@if (Model.UserMenu != null)
			foreach (var menuItem in Model.UserMenu.Items)
				var url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuItem.Url) ? "#" : Url.IsLocalUrl(menuItem.Url) ? Url.Content(menuItem.Url.EnsureStartsWith('~')) : menuItem.Url;<li class="outer-menu-item">
					<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item @menuItem.CssClass" href="@url" target="@menuItem.Target" id="@menuItem.ElementId">
						<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"><i class="lpx-icon bi @menuItem.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

						<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@menuItem.DisplayName</span>

and remove the "bi" from the icons, it will load correctly. My line is:

				@if (Model.UserMenu != null)
			foreach (var menuItem in Model.UserMenu.Items)
				var url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuItem.Url) ? "#" : Url.IsLocalUrl(menuItem.Url) ? Url.Content(menuItem.Url.EnsureStartsWith('~')) : menuItem.Url;<li class="outer-menu-item">
					<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item @menuItem.CssClass" href="@url" target="@menuItem.Target" id="@menuItem.ElementId">
						<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"><i class="lpx-icon @menuItem.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

						<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@menuItem.DisplayName</span>

To collate the discord messages here for those following the thread:

6 hours ago a comment was made "we will fix it today" 30 minuites ago they commented that it was fixed,

Critical outage total time to repair: ~22 hours.

My solution is now updating, as is ABP Suite.

I'm afraid unless you've got an enterprise subscription, and can use the direct email feature to poke the team into updating us, we are all spinning our wheels here waiting on pretty much anything.

I've had a little luck on the discord (as I've been posting), but considering this forum is supposed to be their primary point of contact for tickets and support, this is poor.

Check the linked thread above

Direct from the Discord, looks like someone is working on it :)

This is the error I'm currently getting, along with a few others. Abp Suite Update returns the same fault.

May be just waiting on propogation, if some builds are now working. who knows.

Hey Tpartida,

I know you've already seen it, but as a heads up in case anyone else comes looking:

This has been an issue all day, I'm keeping this thread up to date, as we haven't really had much from the ABP team at all on it.

Showing 51 to 60 of 77 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13